
You are aware that "Our arrows will darken the Sun." "Then we'll fight in the shade." comes from actual ancient sources, right?

Independence Day: Resurgence. The stupid. Let me count the ways. Why did they rebuild the Capitol so ugly? Why didn't they realize that signal to deep space was a distress call 20 years ago? Why did only a single African general learn their language? Do telepathic beings even need a language? Is it even possible to

I recall some real stinkers but they're before the time of everyone else here. Keeping it recent, The Patriot was entertaining at the time but made me want to take a shower later. I don't blame the Brits for being pi$$ed off about it. Bridge to Terabithia might have been okay, but when it's presented as a fantasy film

The Galaxy is 100,000 light years in diameter with 400 billion stars. A quadrant is 100 billion stars and is 50,000 light years across. One quadrant will keep us busy for a long time.

Let me ruin travel for you. Mountains are big rocks with snow on top. The ocean is just a lot of water. Rain forests are lots of plants. The rest is just minutiae.

Putting fruit on cake adds a desirable flavor. Decaffeinating coffee is like taking the flavor out of steak and adding liver.

idiocracy is a powder puff satire that says nothing. Gun nuts? Nope. Crackpot religious cults? Nope. The villain is a corporation, because "speaking truth to power" just makes them quake in their boots.

Yay for including Christmas at Ground Zero, Boo for not including Tom Lehrer's "So Long Mom" and "We Will All Go Together When We Go."

I didn't fly my Lear jet to Nova Scotia to see the total eclipse of the sun, but I hooked up with a couple of carloads of grad students to go see it.

Not only are the prequels not that bad, but the weakest film in the whole six is - The Empire Strikes Back. If you say it's the best, you're unqualified to judge anything beyond a My Little Pony episode. The title is absurdly lame and the whole thing is a tangle of disconnected story lines left hanging. And Luke's

And Mary, Joseph, the shepherds and Wise Men did rejoice, and haveth a party, and did getteth funky and dance. And even King Herod did mellow out and provideth a Christmas tree and nutcracker. But Baby Jesus was sore perplexed and asketh Mary, "Mom, what's myrrh?"

Idiocracy was such a limp satire. It took on the usual soft targets like corporations and TV. Nothing about religious cults, or conspiracy theories, or dumbing down education. Gutless.

On the whole cliche thing, I remember the Billy Graham film "The Prodigal." This film was far above average in plot. One brother was a Christian activist who got roughed up by a slumlord's goons for advising tenants about their rights. The namesake prodigal was the boy toy of a spoiled rich girl. They put serious work

Christians don't need to fear being judged by God. They need to fear being judged by anyone who didn't live in the 21st century First World.
"The Huns sacked our village, killed all the Christian men and sold the women into slavery. How were you persecuted?"
"Someone at work didn't want to hear my testimony."
"Here, take

Basic Econ lesson for everyone who hasn't seen it already a zillion times. About 90% of the price of a ticket goes to the studios. So the theater stays in business by charging huge prices on popcorn and soda.

Anything other than a literal retelling will lose the conservative crowd, but letting the studio recut it is a sure recipe for complete suckage.

Chief Wiggum, after Crusty the Clown fakes his death in a plane crash: "Okay folks, move along, nothing to see here, OH MY GOD! It's a horrible plane crash! Hey everybody, come look at the flaming wreckage!"

Thanks to Lord Lucan, I clicked on the weird story of how Ayn Rand became a fan of a sick serial killer, William Hickman. But as I read the account, it struck me as more or less the same as the way others have lionized Caryl Chessman, Eldridge Cleaver, Jack Henry Abbott, Mumia Abu Jamal, and who are presently gracing

My map of the political sphere is that conservatives suck on social responsibility issues, liberals suck on personal responsibility issues, and libertarians combine the worst of both.

You mean there actually was a male lead in Buck Rogers? I was always so busy looking at Erin Grey I just never noticed.