Seamus McWu

I wonder how much of his songwriting stopping and maybe starting again is related to his relationship with alcohol at the time. He’s apparently been sober for two years, which is great news, and now he’s writing songs again.

This leads us to one question....is Joe Flacco an elite backup quarterback?

Crowd seeing veterans: Yaaaay!
Crowd seeing Trump: Boooo-
Producer: “Cut back to the fucking vets!”
Crowd seeing veterans: -ooo... Yaaaay!

Yes, thank you. I’ve been continuing to visit the G/O sites because I like a lot of the writing and the comment sections (trolls and racists notwithstanding). But fucking hell has it gotten significantly worse over the last couple of months. Say it with me now, G/O:

Can you guys ask the venture capitalists to make articles take up less space? It’s kind of hard for me to watch both of the “recent videos” that started playing in two separate places when I’ve got four or five lines of text distracting me.

I had a long diatribe written about wage inequity and but it all ended up with “Fuck Jim Zorn” 

I’m honestly surprised that the players wont be independent contractors. 

All that ceremony and artifice makes it so there is real meaning when someone like The Honky Tonk Man decides to step out of his character and tell you exactly what kind of motherfucker Hulk Hogan is.

I say this as a life long Mets fan, whose day to day mood is unfortunately partially dictated by the team: This is not at all surprising. This sort of dysfunction has been steady through several GMs, managers, and rosters. The mood of the team for years has been a place where good players go for their careers to die.

If there’s one thing you can say about the Wilpons, it’s that they believe in a system that seems too good to be true.

I’m waiting for them to call up Adam Cole and immediately do an angle where he’s the illegitimate son of Michael Cole and Beth Phoenix 

I would say that AEW is more like what the USFL was- a league that is clearly second fiddle to the major competitor, but has some real high-level talent (not bare bones like the XFL) and can be viable if managed correctly.

That’s an interesting point. As I was reading the article, I was thinking that I’m ready to abandon WWE’s weekly shows, but I would keep the network ONLY for PPVs and NXT. There’s no reason to watch SD or Raw anymore. While there are performers that I would miss on those shows, so many of them are being mishandled I

So we have a young, non-Canadian player who just beat Canada’s national team for a championship, and is now blowing off the NHL scouting combine to party his way around his home country for a week.

To be honest, hearing people bitch about how boring baseball is would also put me to sleep.

The accent would keep me awake though—and I grew up in New York listening to WFAN.

RIP, Jerome from Manhattan.

Let’s remember Morgan for his real contribution - An entire website and style of sports journalism criticism created to ridicule the stupid shit that he wrote and said.

Somebody who forced a Gold-Glove shortstop to third base when acquired by his team while putting up some of the worst defense ever at that position has the same right to talk about accountability as our current president has to talk about morality.

I know it’s jeets and he’s a legend but nobody’s just going to gift it to him. Success isn’t wrapped up neatly in a basket. 

“Bret tackled Bret.” - Vince McMahon 

Inject this into my veins