
the following story was told to me by the guy, and then later corroborated by the young lady in question. i can't swear to every detail but this was a high school story of legend in my hometown.

I'll join you in the Won't Be Sleeping All Week After Bingeing Scary Stories Posts Club!

YES! My Annual Adventure with Spooky-Induced Insomnia begins!

I truly don't know why I subject myself to this thread every year.

Celebrity Edition!

an intrepid pop culture reporter who goes to a school of witchcraft and wizardry, falls in love with head boy Tom Hardy, and also happens to be very good at breakdancing

You're nicer than me because I just stop inviting them out.

Good. One of my career goals is to move into a position of power that allows me to cancel when dickbags are running late. I know, lofty goal.

I was raised that being on time is a show of respect. I HATE when people are late, especially when they don't call to tell you they're running late, then have the audacity to catch an attitude when you go ahead and eat without them. The mother fucking reservation said 8:00, not 9:00, go fuck yourself because I'm

Is anyone on Earth surprised by this?

What the fans don't seem to realize is that there are only two people who have sex with Claire in Outlander: Jamie and Frank.

So many things to tell..I will try to sum it up but it is going to get long and weird.

My uterus hurts from that story. This won't win the prize but I'm sharing anyway.

I like it hot and super sexy, but it's GOT to be well-written or it makes me roll my eyes. Like really good smut, it will fire me up and I love it.

So I prefer books too, because most literotica stuff is so bad it's ridiculous and just not sexy. Some of it is good—it takes sifting, though. I appreciate the hard work

Dodai DB!


Also a watch? Cool bag...but the guy just wanted to show off his vintage rolex that costs a G. Tomorrow I am putting my timex indiglo in my dell work issued laptop bag

Yeah, I think Mr. Bong would ultimately make the sacrifice for me and accept my choice not to have kids. I just wonder if the guilt of it will consume me and either a) I'll force us to go our separate ways to be happy or b) I'll break down and have a kid because I just lost the will to fight. Or maybe I'm

I was talking to my future MIL about kids and I told her that we may consider adoption (we haven't broached the subject of maybe never having kids yet) and I mentioned that one reason is that I fear childbirth and being pregnant. She told me, "That's not a good enough reason to not have (biological) children." Uh... I