
Everyone looks better when they're standing next to mahhhble columns.


I call bullshit on this new meme...

I had a roommate my senior year in college (someone I'd chosen to live with, no less—I had no idea how crazy she was before moving in with her) whose entire goal in life was to busier and more put upon than anyone else in the world. This was terribly difficult for her living with me, because I was overloading on

I didn't want kids when I got married 32 years ago. Now, I'm really happy to say I didn't give in to the societal pressures that still existed then. And so many of my friends whispered "you were right" after their kids were born

Honestly most parents I know IRL, say this stuff to me all the time. That they love their kids, but if they could take it back.... When we tell them we don't want kids, they say, "Good... DON'T DO IT!".

This is amazing. I will start telling this lie.

If it's healthy or not is hard to decide for anyone but her. My father died a year ago. Cancer. I write him letters rather often and I feel he gets them. It makes me feel better. One can only hope that by still being able to share things with her brother, the way she is doing it, your friend is feeling a little bit

Oh, silly Tom Hardy. You needn't bother with pants, especially if they upset you as deeply as your rant snippets suggest. To stand in solidarity with you, I fully support you not wearing pants. At all.

I'm jealous. Pap smears are fucking horrible for me. They hurt, I get massive anxiety during them, and inevitably someone is going to shove a gloved finger up my vag and say "hey hun, do you mind relaxing this muscle right here? I can't get the speculum in." THAT'S BECAUSE MY BODY DOES NOT WANT THE SPECULUM IN

At worst they ran blush. Mayyyybe mascara.

I think of Otis Elevator Company... Is that weird?

Or Milo and Otis, the greatest story of friendship ever told?

I will sit where I want, thank you.

I'd like to sail on that ship.

Yes. Just yes. YASSSS

You know what? This is totally how Tom Haverford would get married. This looks like an extra straight out of Parks and Rec.

I get legitimately bummed that Anna Kendrick isn't in all of the movies.

Right? And how the fuck does anyone in the administration have access to this information? Does Yale exist in a bubble where HIPAA doesn't apply?