Dutch Guilder

RIM is a secure-enterprise-communications company, not a phone company. They should stop making handsets and start making secure-enterprise-apps. But they won't, so they are dead.

He didn't invent shit. The digital camera was the obvious and inevitable convergence of several technologies.

Change is only good if it is an improvment. This change is crap, along with all the new Gawker sites.

Einstein explained it like this: "You see, wire telegraph is a kind of a very, very long cat. You pull his tail in New York and his head is meowing in Los Angeles. Do you understand this? And radio operates exactly the same way: you send signals here, they receive them there. The only difference is that there is no

If you use the URL "ca.gizmodo.com" or "uk.gizmodo.com" you can skip the new crappy interface.

Meh. This is just a rip-off of the "Sleep Cycle" app.

I wish I was Chris Harris :(

Yes but phones, ipods, and laptops do become projectiles if a plane suddenly pitches or rolls. Just put away your gadgets during takeoff and landing.

Yes, the US is adding manufacturing jobs but it is partly because the govt changed the definition of what a "manufacturing job" is. Working in a McDonald's making hamburgers is counted as a manufacturing job. I wish I was joking, but sadly its true.

Mark and his mom look happy. Wait, what?

Only 450kg of downforce at 250kph is really crappy for a sport racer. The Norma M20F generates 450kg @ 160kph (and looks prettier too).

I'm waiting for the Super AMOLED Plus Pro.

@jmon8: what is this "iPad" you speak of?

@oyumurtaci: it's also that phones + computers can become projectiles if the plane makes a sudden turn or dip.

At least they aren't Nokia.

Oh my Xenu!

If a 911/GTS can make 408hp from 3.8L, then the Coxster should be able to make 365hp. A 365hp Coxster would be amazing.

PT would be awesome! It'd be great watching the stig wreck cars and fight guests!