
Gamercat's hiatus is over, I really hope they start putting the weekly comics back here soon.

Capcom also just put out Okami HD on the xbox one, ps4, and PC. It’s the third time i’ve bought the masterpiece that is Okami, and I’ll buy it again!

I love how it is now as opposed to Destiny 1. I did like the excitement of possibly getting something amazing with RNGesus, but with it being more accessible and less grindy, my wife and a couple friends have picked it up and have enjoyed it much more. My wife used to complain about farming for helium filaments and

The cars may have different turn radius’ and hit boxes. Stats like speed, acceleration, braking, etc... are all the same across the board.

I can’t believe this game is 14 years old. I remember 11 year old me waking up at 6am on christmas morning and playing that on my new red gameboy advance SP. I didn’t know that after leveling up in that game you could actually choose which stat to upgrade, and I did HP the entire game....

The first game I managed to get my girlfriend (now wife) into was Uncharted 2. She struggled with the controls a bit, and I had to help her at some points, but she found the story so engaging, she could’nt put it down. She LOVES Drake and Elena together and the whole romance with that. She said the whole story felt

Daaamn thats an old picture lol. Never thought I’d see that old (4 yrs+ ?) Picture of me in the comments on kotaku. Gave my wife and I a good chuckle haha.