Dusty Bakered with Jimi

I don’t understand why you go after Greinke.
This is how the Royals rub me the wrong way. They have this HUGE chip on their shoulder. Over? Winning a lot?
Also, not every player is as dumb as Perez, signing for a tiny fraction of what he’s worth. I’m not sure why Greinke making it clear he was opting for free

Far too much logic in your comment.

Missouri, more like The Douche-Y State.

“Boo fucking hoo. My favorite team won the World Series and not everyone is giving me a blowjob to celebrate ‘our’ win.”

1) Enjoy it instead of looking to be butthurt at every turn. Why are so many KC fans predisposed to whine like this?
2) This is Deadspin. What the fuck did you expect?

People from the Deep South love Johnny Gomes. I’m flabbergasted.

You’re right. I would never choose to have a conversation with Johnny Gomes under any circumstances.