
It’s the height of irony that so called liberals, in opposition of an ignorant bully, act like ignorant bullies themselves in bullying an person that believes differently then them.

To be fair, if some white students lied about being attacked by black students, you guys would go apeshit. I think the backlash has been more than fair considering.

It always seems to me that these sorts of covers (i.e., a song being covered in a genre wildly different from that of the original) are novelties, and typically, are just done for funsies.

Can’t I love all cross-genre covers?

Part of the article and much of the comments are making fun of a birth defect, and by proxy, ALL the people who have it. You may not have intended to insult innocent people with your “tiny and misshapen” comment, but with an incidence of 1/200 males affected, you’re hurting more people than you think.

The problem is that there are a bunch of very real, very alive people with this particular birth defect. They are being made fun of, e.g. “hurrr hurrr they must spray pee everywhere” in this article. That is not OK. It’s not OK to make fun of disabilities/birth defects.

OMG, do you believe that all burn survivors have the potential to be Freddy Krueger?

I’m sure that every nice, normal, non-evil male with a tiny, misshapen penis just LOVES being associated with Hitler.

It never ceases to amaze me how stupid some people are. If you believe that Hitler having a bigger penis would have not made him who he was you are truly so dumb it is unbelievable.

Do you not think guys with huge cocks can be assholes or something?

Let’s not reduce men to their penises.

So, be nasty about Hitler. There are literally a billion things to hate about Hitler, so why go for the low-hanging fruit of a birth defect?

Wow, so making fun of birth defects is totally and 100% OK because one person who had a birth defect turned out to be a mass murderer. Lets go make fun of some downs syndrome kids and kids with cleft palates. My son had hypospadius and had to have surgery for it at six months old. Its not so funny when you’re sitting

Yeah, I noticed the silence here too. It was damn discouraging.