
I would stick with Miracleman. Part of the problem is it does start as kind of a slow burn but there's also the simple fact that what made the story so remarkable at the time has become old hat. Due to Miracleman and other Moore written comics, the superhero genre has been deconstructed and reconstructed so many times

Oh man, I used to read those comics as a kid. Re-reading some of them a few years ago I quickly had to admit… they are fucking dreadful.

It's been a while since I've seen it last so I'm curious: what makes you say that?

No kidding, the most surreal aspect of this is that the actual racist asshole that Colbert was mocking has somehow skated free of criticism.

Just to throw this out there, but all of the people above who were like, "Fuck comics!" should instead say, "Fuck Marvel and DC!" Those two companies have always been brazenly unethical and continue to be today. But a person could still read plenty of fun genre comics without touching a Marvel or DC product (and

Just to throw this out there, but all of the people above who were like, "Fuck comics!" should instead say, "Fuck Marvel and DC!" Those two companies have always been brazenly unethical and continue to be today. But a person could still read plenty of fun genre comics without touching a Marvel or DC product (and

Let's discuss the original Django. I'll start: starting a movie with a dude dragging a coffin is pretty awesome.

Let's discuss the original Django. I'll start: starting a movie with a dude dragging a coffin is pretty awesome.