Dustin L. Tabor

Interesting. What's the legal recourse for international death threats? To be honest I figured it would eventually be some stupid teenager, not a guy using harassment as a form of self promotion.

"Dream Movie" is kind of overstating it a bit.

I think it comes from some people taking things too seriously and assimilating entertainment as part of their identity. If someone really loves a video game, and someone comes along and says games like this are sexist and they perpetuate misogynistic stereotypes that are harmful to women, they hear "you are a bad

In short: you want to act like a lover, not a friend. Yes, you're going to be risking rejection. It's better to take the rejection and move on to somebody who wants what you have to offer than to end up in a "friendship" that you're treating as a boobie-prize.

To be fair there have always been gamers moaning accusations about bias and corruption pretty much every time a review doesn't agree with them 100%.

The most frustrating thing about Gamergate is I don't even know how to put into words what a staggeringly non-issue corruption in games journalism is. I think it's a mistake to even throw them a bone that they have any such thing as legitimate concerns. I don't care if you're not a harasser, or if you didn't make

The last place I worked I knew of like five or six guys in the 30-50 age range, some still living at home, never had a girlfriend never been intimate with a woman. Though I'm sure it happens I've never known a woman to be in the same situation, regardless of their physical appearance. I wonder how much more

So cool.

Ooh. Hand drawn sprites. Cool.

I would imagine ghosts taste like what you'd get if you went into an old abandoned house crisscrossed with cobwebs and a layer of dust on everything, and swept a handful of stuff off of the floor and popped it into your mouth.

Law enforcement and military are trained to aim for center mass because it has the most likelihood of stopping an assailant, not to shoot them in an arm or leg (which is still potentially fatal) to disable them.

Maybe people are expecting the same kinds of stories they are getting these days about a billionaire dressed as a bat, or a boyscout who carries a super Frisbee and dresses like the American flag, or even stories like that one with the talking space raccoon and his friend the tree. Just because something has an

So... is he still going to fly and mind meld with birds? It doesn't bug me if he takes up the mantle of Captain America, he's hardly the first or the last, but since Sam Wilson isn't a super soldier does that mean they will change what Captain America is to suit his power set?

If Steve Rogers became the Falcon?

I can't put my finger on it, but for some reason the sway kind of reminds me of the run cycle for the gallimimuses in Jurassic Park.

I guess you can't expect ray tracing on everything, but you'd think they might have used more than one reflection map.

I don't know that I have a lack of faith so much as a lack of want. It might be fun for a little bit, but I don't feel a need to spend substantial amounts of time in a game world oblivious to my surroundings. It's only a matter of time before feeding tubes and catheters become gaming accessories.

This movie was all right. I think a lot of the problems could have been solved by swapping Snow Whites with Mirror Mirror. I'd find people gushing about Lily Collins' beauty a lot more believable than Kristen Stewart.

Honestly I'd say both are probably coincidental and more a riff on this than anything else.