Dustin L. Tabor


I think I could be okay with a reboot, though it still bugs be that they'd completely scrap whatever Dan Akroyd's been trying to get off the ground for decades. I'd rather it was a sort of passing of the torch spin off, but I guess that's not happening. What I really don't want is just a remake with women. I want to

The internet's favorite past time.

Staypuft Marshmallow Woman.

Written for Eddie Murphy he turned it down.

Trevor Noah's really good.

It's a different sort of white guilt for Americans. We have the tradition of slavery, and the long rocky road from emancipation onward through to desegregation to feel guilty about. South African apartheid not so much.

Yet somehow Namor is always just a little more alluring. Maybe his has wings on it.

Great gritty and grounded just the words I don't want to hear regarding super heroes any more. Heaven forbid something as ostensibly ridiculous as the Fantastic Four tends to be should be lighthearted fun. It's like none of these other studios learned anything from The Avengers.

That kind of explains all the ancillary ugliness that seems more like this is the evidence people have waited for to justify their dislike of the man rather than, ha ha he screwed up.

I've never cared much for Travolta, but I don't really get all the unpleasantness about this. So he flubbed her name, does he need to commit seppuku on the altar of public opinion for that? Is this just a "scientology is a weird cult" thing or the need of every day folks to prove how much better they are than

Seems a reasonable explanation for his flub. Pretty crappy reason to join a religion.

Reminds me of Jon Pertwee with fewer frills.

I never understood the Heimdall outrage. He's Norse which is of course white, he's even supposed to be "the whitest skinned god" which makes the casting Idris Elba kind of hilarious, but I just don't get who has the emotional attachment to either the mythology or the Marvel version to get upset about it.  If anything

Yeah, because at the end of the first Back to the Future I was like, "That make up's pretty good, but is that little tag joke at the end a realistic depiction of technology that will be available in 2015?"