Dustin L. Tabor

I've said it before, but I swear the people who make these things have no sense for anything fantastic. Heaven forbid you draw anything exaggerated, or idealized, or GASP! sexualized. If a character doesn't look like or isn't shaped like an average person, doing average things and wearing average clothes then holy

Long out of print, but still available.

I rarely see it come up on any of these lists, probably because it was on the Gamecube, but Rogue Leader is one of the few games where I really felt like I was in the movies during some of the iconic scenes like the Death Star assault, The Battle of Hoth, and The Battle of Endor.

Here's one, she remembers Bail Organa's first wife who died of space cancer when Leia was very young and Bail remarried never telling her she was adopted and she has no actual memory of her "real mother."

Is this close enough?

You just have to wait until sometime in 2093, when the last person claiming they saw the original Star Wars in theaters in all it's unaltered holy perfection and George Lucas personally betrayed them causing permanent trauma by making some other movies that weren't as awesome as they remember Star Wars being when they

Jackie Chan, top-paid Asian actor, still makes less than top-paid white woman.

Sometimes I think the people who make these sorts of things just don't understand fantasy or cartoons. I get the feeling that to them the pinnacle of entertainment would be every day average people doing every day average things so the mediocre with fragile self esteem don't have their feelings hurt by depictions of

The worst thing about McCarthy is she's shown she can be a great actress and gravitates toward lame unfunny slapstick anyway.

What I love the most about this whole gender war for genre entertainment we seem to be in the middle of is the constant declarations of triumphs that aren't any such thing.

Michael B. Jordan as the lead right?

Followed by an article where they've each individually issued statements apologizing for saying anything untoward and how they're sure Robbie Rist is a fine actor, and a lovely man etc. etc.

So, what happens when you make a bunch of girl robots, you put them in the comics, toys, and cartoons "forcing" boys to endure reading and playing with and watching them so little girls can have specifically female characters to identify with, and the little boys don't care because it's robots (or let's be honest grow

Nah, transformers are too hard to draw for there to be a huge influx.

I dunno. I get why Miles in the comics had appeal because in the Ultimate Universe they'd pretty much run the usual course with Spider-Man and rather than having him grow up or reboot Peter back to high school they killed him and introduced a new school aged character.
I think you're right about mostly white people

Maybe, but I'll bet you see Miles Morales, or an ethnic Peter Parker on the big screen before you see a one of these mega millions blockbusters based on an entertainment property created by people of color.

I don't think it just difference for the sake of difference. I think it's because people feel guilty about the disadvantages minorities have had, and what they perceive as a lack of representation in the protagonists in the top tier popular films. I think petitioning white people to put more minorities in their movies

Yeah, but the way he's depicted in the comics he has more black physical characteristics. I doubt a casting director would go through the trouble of finding a bi-racial actor.

A black Spider-man will create a job opportunity for one black guy. Then we can all pat ourselves on the back. Look how diverse we are, we gave up one of our white heroes so those poor black people could have one. Aren't we great, aren't we the good ones? If the black guy makes enough money they'll make him a star

Yeah, but they only included an Afro-Puerto Rican guy after fifty years of having Peter Parker, and even then in an alternate universe. It's not like when they're starting from zero with the MCU version that they're ignoring the lengthy canon of the four years there's even been a Miles Morales.