Dustin DeWinn

Yeah it would be Victor or one of his guys. Gus wouldn't get that close.

I don't think Gus left the note. He wouldn't get that close. If he was behind it, it was Victor.

That's assuming Chuck uses it against him. Maybe it will be used to blackmail Jimmy into doing something. Maybe it drives Kim away; Jimmy was a wedge between Chuck and Rebecca maybe Chuck will sate his revenge that way to call it even.

I think the coffee cup falling in the credit sequence was reminiscent of the Usual Suspects; Koybayashi. Jimmy is Verbal Kint, Saul is Keyser Soze…Jimmy is just a facade and the breaking coffee cup calls back to the Usual Suspects of all the lies he's told.

Anyone else notice how Kim is standing by the rainbow when she gets the call about Mesa Verde? It's her pot of gold

Maybe it will get Chuck disbarred - how ironic that would be.

Here's an idea - it gets Chuck disbarred. He spent a career trying to keep Jimmy out of law, and with one fell swoop, he gets Chuck out.

Don't forget that who that address belongs to is important. It might be a non existent number…might be a house or gas station…and though it's unlikely…might be the building they rented.

The painting in Howard's office at first looks like a squid, but at second glance, you see it's a person being put through a paper shredder. It makes you wonder if that symbolism is being tied to Kim or Howard—who has to face it when looking at her. He said he's jealous of her, and maybe it's representative of just