
No. *this* is a Ka.

But is the Vauxhall Magnum the 1800 or the 2300 straight six? (which always struck me as a lot of engine in that size car). Enquiring minds demand to know.

Now playing

"We're The Sweeney son, and we 'aven't 'ad any dinner".

UK police forces have been using Range Rovers for years. Fast enough for pursuits, plenty of space for their gear, and the ability to move a vehicle causing an obstruction. Stalks the motorways like a mastodon.

They also helped out with the Sidewinder for the RN Sea Harriers, so they could use the most up to date version, which had a much better firing envelope and could shoot head on. One of the many reasons the Sea Harrier acquitted itself so well in the air war.

The hilarious irony in all of this is, in the UK LPG conversions are very popular for imported American vehicles (mostly trucks and SUVs) because of their horrific fuel consumption and our coronary inducing petrol prices.

He's vegetarian, doesn't smoke and apparently loves dogs.

Most "fan-reseller' sites block buy tickets from Ticketmaster or the promoters direct, and then hike up the price to resell accordingly.

Unfortunately it's called Capitalism. Finding new ways of making us pay for what we used to get for free.

But you do have a separate test for bikes, right? Here in the UK it's a completely separate category on the driving license (in fact you can be fully licensed to ride but not to drive).

Actually, this type of small crossover is phenomenally popular over here in the UK now, as consumers look for something a little bolder in a smaller package.

When I was learning to ride about 4 years ago, the instructors drilled into us the following:

Who said anything about it being a weekend? :D

I also get free home broadband with mine (uncapped and about 6mb the last time I speed tested it). The fact that you fellows Stateside have to pay to receive calls is beyond belief.

Not a problem. I'm 6'2" and drove one for a year. I can personally attest to the fact you can fit 4 drag queens and one buxom wench inside at the same time.

If you check out the Storm Rifle, on the security page of the Weyland Industries site (for Prometheus) it's clearly a precursor to the Pulse Rifle.

3 years sober.

It's all in the reflexes.

Bottom line - hybrids are a horrible engineering compromise that in the real world provide nothing like the MPG benefits the marketing promises.

I recently interviewed the designer of the Juke, and he said they were proud of it. Roger Moore would have been proud of my eyebrow raising prowess when I heard that comment let me tell you.