
Outstanding. Now all we need is a deck of cards.

This really is looking like Gran Turismo 4.5.

@Koztah: I see you've played spooney knifey before then.

Mopar Panther Pink FTMFW. When I own another Mopar, it will be in that colour.

All I know is I saw a 1971 Mach 1 Mustang and I am all over that shit.

MGB? You have got to be shitting me. They are the only car on the planet less sophisticated than a pig iron nail.

@Elhigh: Oh god, Ainsley Hayes (CSI Miami's Emily Proctor) southern accented Republican got me hot under the collar every time she spoke.

@Toothball: You are kidding. MSR was arguably one of the most broken games to ever be released (certainly the most broken driving game).

@lionkitten: Agreed. PGR2 was the sweet spot of the series, coming as it did just as Xbox Live was taking off. Everything about that game was pitch perfect, from the variety to the menus and the multiplayer, and the addition of DLC to keep it fresh.

@Hyperion45: Did I errr hear the sound of a briefcase opening?

@belassoff: Never give up, never surrender.

@PHIL: There's no pool here dick head.

Alonso is a duplicitous back stabbing prima donna. No wonder he fits right in at Ferrari.

Anyone who watched Ben Collins' debut on Filth Gear last week knows he should keep quiet, as he can't present for shit.

@jedchev: Good grief that's hideous.

Well, that's a dead heat in a Zeppelin race if ever I saw one.

"Quantity is it's own quality" - Joseph Stalin

His languid demeanour hid a well calibrated bullshit detector. Let's not forget, he was deadpanning his way through F1 commentaries with Murray Walker after he hung up the flame proof suit, often with the aid of what I believe the kids call 'a large fat one'.