Don’t forget the Night Elf genocide. It makes me sick but Blizzard’s doing it, and somehow players are still expected to identify and side with the homicidal queen doing it.
Don’t forget the Night Elf genocide. It makes me sick but Blizzard’s doing it, and somehow players are still expected to identify and side with the homicidal queen doing it.
All this hubub over Black Panther is reminding me of when I was a kid in middle school and X-2 came out.
It’s gotta start somewhere though, and Marvel has a long and storied tradition of turning messily written characters into cultural touchstones. See the early X-men comics and the Guardians of the Galaxy film renaissance.
Wait, isn’t it a good thing they might show ‘black’ culture as something for a ‘white’ person to aspire to?
You’re not addressing anything.
See this is the kind of adversarial rhetoric I’m talking about. You’ve taken a complicated issue and distilled it down to a polarizing emotional response. How about you actually propose something helpful rather than just screaming and stamping your feet.
It’s perfectly possible to be racist against white folks, but that racism has never had any power legally, socially, or culturally in this country. Ever.
Welcome to post-ep5 Star Wars
I’ll never understand some people’s infatuation with perma-death in games.
Miles Morales and Spider-Gwen, now there was a forced romance.
Poor thing looks shocked and confused in all of those.
“Crawl Space” sounds like a euphemism for drugs created by someone on drugs.
The other thing game makers - especially for MMOs - do is use RNG to force overplay of their games. This keeps you wrapped up in their game and by extension its cash ecosystem and increases the odds you’ll buy one of their transactions.
I’m not gonna lie, if they started selling latex and/or patent leather armor in the game, I’d probably subscribe.
Too bad Tom Cruise seems to have forgotten his own coming out movie.
I’ve had people walk up and touch my hair several times and I’m about as ‘white’ as you can get.
Who was surprised ‘black’ people like DBZ?
That yellowNblack plaid tracer cosplay is on point.
You could also do the same thing and then just toss a bug-bomb in with’em. That’d speed things up a bit.