So David Bowie and Katy Perry....I dig it.
So David Bowie and Katy Perry....I dig it.
As an IT tech who has to work with Microsoft products day in and day out I can say that’s exactly what buying Microsoft feels like - only less pleasant.
So basically it’s “Mud Bogging: The Game”
Here’s an extra +1 since I can only give you +1 star.
At the very least her eyes have been Photoshopped, that much is immediately evident. Watching the video it’s also pretty clear they played with color saturation and curves as well to give her that ethereal glow and accent the light coming through the trees.
In America they just jump you in and if you’re not dead you’re golden.
Unlike Justin Beiber I love Katy Perry more and more as time goes on.
Great, maybe Trump will stop Tweeting and start yelling at other 14 year-olds on CoD now that his fingers can finally reach the buttons.
Great, maybe Trump will stop Tweeting us into WW3 and start yelling at other 14 year-olds on CoD now that his fingers can finally reach the buttons.
HSV sounds like an STD.
I always tell people if you ever take the time to get to know real kinky people most of them are far closer to Tracer than they are to Widowmaker.
The sad part is the quality seems to be there, they just need to use their powers for good rather than cheap back-alley ripoffs of good.
Ok, he gets to main Hanzo
On the one hand I despise cheaters. On the other hand I don’t like Epic using their EULA as a grounds for suing one of their users. EULAs are already purposely made unapproachable to dissuade users from reading them. If companies suing their customers based on EULAs is gonna become the norm there needs to be far…
Am I the only one who thinks that black burger looks delicious?
Oh that’s a tail!
WTF people?
So does this mean in the next “Yoshi’s Island” Yoshi will be able to grab Mario by the ankles and swing him over his head like a hammer to slam the ground in front of him?