
I don’t know anything about the contents of this article as I didn’t read it. I’m just here to say that black bar at the top of the page is ugly looking.

Meh, they kill one and two more will pop up.

But, but I have great ideas! Like a cloud-based mmo with pirate dinosaurs, and everyone levels up with these huge branching skill trees, but the focus of the game is balanced combat where everyone can fly! And all I need are a bunch of people that can figure out how to actually do all of the coding, artwork, sound,

Here is a picture. Pictures are fun.

“And we’re gonna build a wall to keep all the other regions Pokemons out. cause they’re not spending their best. they’re sending their dunsparce, their Bidarel, their ledians. AND SOME I assume, are Goodras.”

Lets be honest. If you’ve learned anything from our society, its that we prefer our entertainers to look attractive.

It seems unlikely, but I would kill for her to have some kind of hacking ability that affects Torbjorn’s turret, the satisfaction you’d get from hacking one while he’s sitting behind it with his hammer out would be glorious.

So Roadhog (probably), Reaper and now Shadow are mexicans? as a mexican that’s pretty sweet we finally dont get a wrestler.

They found that, if they cut out the vertical barcodes, ran them through a barcode reader, converted the resulting hexadecimel numbers into binary and represented the binary as black and white pixels, the clue could be converted into a QR code.

If only all the furies look like that.

I dont remember Nick being so hot....Ill have to watch the movie again.

“Pidgey candy”

Come for the pikachus, stay for the macs.

I think that’s a sausage.

Shoe’s on the other foot now you pink bastard!

“when you play this game in the future”

I'm not really much of an rpg fan, but crono trigger is pretty much a requirement. You should give it a go, you'll probably love it

You should play Chrono Trigger. It’s doesn’t feel nearly as ancient as some of the others from that era, and the story is still surprisingly unique. The music is also incredible.