the opportunity to choose something more outside the red-and-blue party system
the opportunity to choose something more outside the red-and-blue party system
After being bullshitted out of my loot during Cataclysm by clique guildies (Google translate gave me that option, you know guilds that won’t let you have the gear in Master loot mode) which was fixed with personal loot, and the endless griding in my Garrison, I got so burned out that I don’t even care about Wow…
But aren’t there higher difficulties of raiding than Raid Finder? Seems like for those guilds into hardcore raiding, Mythic raiding remains a tough option.
I’m ok with this
Breath, buddy. Just calm down.
Lol, you’re mistaken on the inspired by MOBAs part. Blizzard made the skills and Ultimate system originallyfor Warcraft III & MOBAs were inspired by DOTA, which was a custom game using the mapmaker of Warcraft III. So in effect, noone inspired. Blizzard but themselves.
It looks exactly like the outfit that Tywin wore when he was Hand of the King.
I’m usually not big on Gamer Cats, but this one spoke to my soul. I generally don’t see the value in trophy/achievement hunting. I’d much rather move on to a new game than do multiple playthroughs or hunt for otherwise meaningless collectible baubles. But hey, Bloodborne is the only game I’ve ever platinumed, and that…
Depends what you’re talking about. In referenda (in countries that have them) it’s a direct vote. In all modern democracies, people are not directly casting votes for their political leaders with no intercession, which is what is meant by “one person, one vote” (which is why the US has the Electoral College and…
Yes! And thanks for your interest.
Hello Cecilia! Not to jump off-topic here, but will you be posting more anime content here regularly? If so, it’s a very-welcome change!
Interesting. This seems to actually be based on ONE’s art style as opposed to how the One-Punch Man anime was based on Murata’s adaptation. Well now I have to check out this manga before the anime arrives!
“Yeah, corned beef sounds good. I’m going to have that.”
He probably isn’t that bad. There area subtle nuances at play when works are translated into English from the original Canadian.
You are older than you realize.
I don’t think any moment in my gaming life has ever topped the first time playing Mario 64 as a wee lad for the first time. Maybe FF7 or OoT, but Mario felt absolutely revolutionary. And it was.
This is why history must be forced on kids in school. That’s a reference to WATERGATE, the scandal that ruined Richard Nixon’s presidency.
The joke is based on the Watergate scandal because the dancing contest was rigged. The use of the -gate suffix has been part of popular culture long before Gamergate was even a thing. The name “ Five Fun Guys” is a “fungi” pun since they are 5 Toads in the group. The number 5 is a reference to Watergate because 5 men…
Wut iz up wit dat writin tho
Is this some kind of millenial newspeak or something? jesus, butchering of the written language that took centuries to create.
Anyways, Nintendo isn’t obligated to do a tribute to a fan who passed away, how many people pass away every day who are also fans of the series?
No offense but you…
He solved the Kobayashi Maru. Without cheating.