
Are you crazy? Its one shot...you can even see it in the screen shots he posted.  one scene

Its gotten better, but the software still isnt there.  There is no huge reason to use it still.  Nothing that is a ‘must have’ or ‘good enough’ to force people to want to buy it.

why pregnant? Also Sonic is pretty damn large in the UK. They had the theme park and hotel for a while. When you look up Sonic merch on Ebay a ton of it comes from the UK

Yeah, im super confused here.  Those prices are somewhat normal.  Why is everyone freaking out.

You can go there, you can volunteer to work there.

Pepperidge farm remembers

should of just used a third party site at that point.

As I didnt actually take the photo’s or work on them, I personally cannot say if they were worked on or not. But would love if you were wrong.

This article really sounds like you never played a boarderlands game on the highest difficulty where you need to use ammo weaknesses and equip the proper shields to survive.

You’ve never heard someone say “Later Gator”?  It was fairly common at one point....maybe im just old?

didnt notice the accent being fake at all.  Thought it was fine.

yes it did. And it went legit to try and promote more anime getting made by having an easier revenue stream outside Japan. I always thought it was really good of them as there are tons of places you can stream anime illigally. I prefer to pay them like this.

Tomayto, tomaato.

its a gamer term.  Thats fair spelling id say. 

Wait, didnt everyrone do this? At the end of the game you go around and kill all the NPC’s you can. Right?

Oh wow, is this what the game became?  I was hoping for a new Chocobo racing like I played back in the day.  That sucks.

eh, hes actually kinda easy.

I had no idea anything even happened. Just thought slow news week. I guess, congrats?

It stays outside, it lives. Comes in MY house, it dies. 

Its just you.  I have no idea where you get this ‘few people’ statistic but if were to go by the internet sites I visit and my circle of friends I would say ‘Everyone is into musous’.