The comparison here is that you can get your “sex on wheels” for the price of a “Mustank”
Quick thinking Pootin that fire out.
That’s an awesome link.
Ex-aerospace instrumentation engineer here. I did harness drawings for 10 years and loved it for some reason. I think it satisfied the OCD in me.
And if you like to read:
In F3 the landing sticks you.
Never brake, just use a nice light tap into one of your opponents to help you take the turn. It’s just science.
I live my life a quarterly report at a time, for those 15 minutes or less I’m free.
I dunno, there’s still those grassroots endurance series where you pull a busted chair out a dumpster, get it running for $5 or less, and see if it will last for an entire weekend of racing.
Pure? Maybe before the mainstream blog blogmedia covered it. Used to be a time that replacing the stock fasteners with aluminum (only need to last one race) and pulling the seat padding out of a $50 steel bodied basic model from Staples could put you in the top 10.
Except this one is definitely against the Kenyans...
This is exactly the kind of childish, egomaniacal behavior I would expect from the dudebros that are Rich Energy’s target demographic.
Feels like a douchey Instagram Influencer manifested as a company
The best part of the “boating past yachts” series is that they’re in an outboard.
It smashed two records in a year, it’s iconic. They won’t leave it in a display case, they’ll use it for R&D and breaking more records.