HOORAY! NERD STUFF! Jalopnik needs more nerd stuff. Just FYI David, ACAC and LCAC aren’t explained, I have no idea what those acronyms mean, Air Cooled Air Charge? Liquid Cooled Air Charge?
HOORAY! NERD STUFF! Jalopnik needs more nerd stuff. Just FYI David, ACAC and LCAC aren’t explained, I have no idea what those acronyms mean, Air Cooled Air Charge? Liquid Cooled Air Charge?
Fuck companies trying to boost their revenues and shareholder value...what were they thinking.
Is that...? The Bay Bridge?? The hell?!
The new Mac is different than I thought it’d be.
GA resident here: lots of stations are running low/out of Regular gasoline. However, lots of stations still have Premium available. Ironically, some are out of Premium only.
I am glad they do it this way. Keeps me from watching the whole show instantly and then having nothing to look forward to for another 364 days.
Really surprised I had to scroll so far for this joke.
Hey, Pittsburgh people: if any of you steal one of these Ubers, email us and tell us what it’s like at tips@jalopnik.com.
If I were to start a tribe I’d call it Estates As Estates and it’d be all about people who have modified their wagons to live in them. Alternate name Keep Calm and Wag-on for just a general tribe centered around wagons/estates. I’ve become mentally invested in this and I don’t even know what the fuck it is.
As a Michigander, I appreciate it when we make it onto the Morning Shift. Obviously we’re a car state, and I’d like it to stay that way. The space comment was silly, but yes, it’s competition. I think the bill is smart, and the right move. Glad to see Lansing pushing it through.
Sure, but they’re vastly different cars. You can see out of a GTI, for example.
The regenerative braking function in every hybrid-electric and fully electric vehicle currently on sale is done by using the traction motor as a generator. They have to have mechanical brakes for a variety of reasons, but those brakes are exactly the same as those found on any other car.
You’ve got it backwards. Amps is speed, volts is pressure/force.
Anyone want to tell them volts don’t ‘flow’. Voltage is an electromagnetic potential difference. Amps flow. /pedantry
If only he had a trailer to screen the cars from public view.
Also, where did you grow up? I grew up in nevada city and then moved to carmichael.
Don’t be fooled. This Laminator is not the ultimate weapon for disposing of sheep you were expecting. It broke on the first one, and left me naked and staring down an angry ewe with a bump on it’s head. Total waste of 16 bucks. 1 Star.
Don’t be fooled. This Laminator is not the ultimate weapon for disposing of sheep you were expecting. It broke on…
I bought 2 very similar LED lights, four feet long, at Costco a little over a week ago. With current in-store discount, they were $25 a piece, limit 4. You can daisy-chain up to four together, to run off of a single electrical outlet. Do check Costco.
I bought 2 very similar LED lights, four feet long, at Costco a little over a week ago. With current in-store…