
If you have a mediocre to crappy pair of desktop speakers, go grab those Logitech Z523’s - you will be shocked and awed with the improvement.

If you have a mediocre to crappy pair of desktop speakers, go grab those Logitech Z523’s - you will be shocked and

I want a shirt that says “fuck your tea kettle warmer.”

"Fuck your tea kettle warmer," is the greatest thing I have read all day. I am seriously contemplating turning it into my personal 'fuck you non-sequitor battle cry' for those days you just need to rage through.

I guess it makes sense to sue the whole company (Honestly- I’m not sure how civil suits and torts and stuff work) but it sort of sounds like this maybe isn’t a corporate issue and more an issue at the store level with that manager? I know a friend of mine (who is a trans woman) has been working for B&N for years now-

How can an ice cube tray make ice cubes melt slower?

How can an ice cube tray make ice cubes melt slower?

Thank you for posting this. Notice how her eyes shift away from her child? That’s my mother. Always looking to make sure appearances are proper. I walked away at age 16 and haven’t looked back. 25 years later I’m still dealing with all the messed up stuff my mother said/did to me. I still feel like a failure no matter

I have always loathed this “holiday,” but now that I have my own children I tolerate it. They give me Nutella and let me sleep in, and in return I work to make them feel all the love, support, and acceptance that was sorely missing from my childhood.

And a shout out to all those people that are trying against all odds to still make it work when everybody else wants them to get away.

This is my mother minus drinking plus that EXACT haircut.

Happy Mother’s Day y’all!

I was adopted as a baby, and emancipated at 14 from my second family for these reasons. I find this time of year especially hard and it’s always good to know I am not alone in this.

My dad had to do this with not just his mother, but his two toxic sisters too. After his dad died, he had no tie to his side of the family any more. I remember we were constantly either not talking to them or, when we were talking, we were fighting. 10 years ago he said he was 100% done, and hasn’t spoken to them

You laugh, but there’s a whole genre of British publicity stunts in which a company commissions a “study” on something relevant to their product, with laughable results. Often they get reported stateside without mention of the sponsorship.

The first thing I thought when I heard this BS was “but... my beard is connected to the hair on my head and therefore the same and therefore women with long hair must be far worse culprits.”

Is your beard harboring germs and linked to ISIS? Tune in at 10. Please do it... we promise we’re still a relevant way to get news.

I can confirm that I’d believe if the original story was just a ploy by big razor companies due to a presumed decline in sales of razors in these bearded times.