
His mailman must have delivered some bad tacos.

I am Jack's shocked face.

the suicidal guy who jumped off a bridge didn't want to swim for fear of drowning?

"Why not hit the whole world with a bat?"

drunken master theme song!

She discovers who the bad guy is by using a WHOIS command


FILED UNDER: The Most Dramatic Rose Ceremony Yet

I wonder what percentage of references I will understand this time around. During the first run there was a lot I didn't get, mainly because I was younger than the writers and missed(?) out on things like Mannix and Quinn-Martin productions. Contrast that to Venture Brothers, where I get most of what they reference.

and it's brother the 1993 WTC bomber "I didn't make that bomb" bumper

That claymation Payday commercial. ALL THE PHONE COMPANY ADS.

10 years? They've kept it trimmed and wet.

Hopefully we'll see the Muppet who discovered one weird trick / works from home. I keep reading online about people like that.


I don't know if it was critically reviled, but I loved Unsolved Mysteries.

\o/ "Water!"


I could be playing TradeWars 2002 right now!

"Has anyone seen the mouse to my Amiga?"