
Yes please. I hate that movie on a visceral level. No more mention of it.

No she's coping with depression. That's not bring an asshole. She also demonstrates suicidal ideation. You can dislike what's been done with the character, but let's not label obviously struggling people assholes.

God I hated Sucker Punch. I'm glad to be seeing her on a role with worthy material. She deserves it

I lIke that title. We should find a way to send Moffat a medal that says King of Bootstrap Paradox on it.

Wait, what? I don't think I followed you there.

I've been a fan since I saw him play Thernardier in the 25th anniversary concert of Les Miserables. Seriously, if you haven't seen it, check out his version of Master of the House.

Well Lynch only retired from making movies, so more Twin Peaks seems likely.

I'll respectfully disagree. I love American Gods, and think the story is excellent. But it's definitely more focused on atmosphere. Which is great. I love atmospheric shows.

Damn, that was a deep cut!

Brownies are faeries that tend to houses. They're supposed to clean and protect the house as long as you provide them a saucer of milk. Just don't piss them off they can get….nasty. That's my memory of brownies.

That might be intentional. If i remember correctly, in the book Mad Sweeny had almost no Irish accent due to living in the states so long. Maybe the accents are supposed to sound like they're going away.

Really? It is one of the scenes I remembered most from the book. Right up there with Bilquis.

And how does any of what you're saying make slavery less terrible? Because, assuming you're correct about the first slaves being primarily POW's, that doesn't change the hundreds of years of cruelty that followed.

I would actually like that as well. It'd be nice to be able to discuss this stuff without spoiler tags everywhere.

I loved Hogfather. I used Death's line about belief as my high school graduation quote. I didn't really register the spine all that much. Was that in the last scene with the Children? I was more wrapped up in the lynching symbolism. I appreciate that American Gods is very aware of the racial tension in our country and

First, that's a great reference. I've loved Discworld for years. That's Hogfather right? Second, the blood didn't seem all slapstick to me. The guy getting pincushioned certainl was, but the rest felt more like Fuller experimenting with what he can do now that he's not beholden to the censors. And I don't think you

The Technical Bog was willing to get pretty analog in the book to. He ran Bilquis over with his car early in the story.

Blood is an important theme in the book. It's blood sacrifice that most of the gods lived off of, as discussed by Chzernobog before the checkers game. It's why the plot of the book works. Bryan Fuller is taking the concept and making it visual for a visual medium. And as for stylization, this is basically Fuller's

Why exactly?

Minor non plot spoilers: I think this is in keeping with the original concept of the new gods. In the book, Shadow says that a reason he prefers the old gods to the new is that the old ones don't speak in clichés. The new gods are supposed up be a little uncreative when they speak.