
SteamOS is in the Beta right now, so it’s not for the enduser. You can try it if you want but it’s not a finished product. The Steam Machines will be shipped at November, if I remember right.

LOL whatever, I don’t judge :D. I would rather like to have a real cute Lamia. :P

A show aired for children with such scenes in the ending? Of course this BS was made for Loli fans...

programmers are “mostly male” and stink at socializing

Wow... That plot is huge!

Pfff... Plot is so overrated.

That was the perfect response for this BS. Cheers!

I even didn’t know who this person is ^^’

Gamers: Fuck you Konami! >:(

Even we Linux users getting a port so you can bet that a PS4 will come ;)

Everything is working fine. But I must refresh my knowledge about the game mechanics from CS2 ;) *Going to cleanse Sylvania once and for all*

ok you made me curios :) I hope the mod will work on Linux, because it’s file format is (unlike windows) case sensitive :/

I added Battle.net as non-steam game in my steam libary.... and my other steam client... ;-D

As a German I must ask. Are the Simpsons still such a big deal? I watched them years ago but I had the feeling that there was lesser quality with each season. Or is it only because the Simpsons become a American Icon? I think I read that somewhere...

So you’re getting bold too? Don’t be upset! We both can save us the money for the babar ... at least something positiv ;-)

Serious question Mike: Could Kotaku give us Linux and MAC players a site for specific themes about MAC and Linux Gaming? Like steamed.kotaku for port reviews and stuff? Together we have a worldwide marketshare of 11% at least :-P I bet enough people woud love to contribute. I’m too, even if my english isn’t that good.

My neighbor is playing Arkham Knight on his PS4. PS4 versions runs great who needs a PC? He is telling me that every time >:P

it is not broken but it lacks features. Wine (the wrapper) supports only directx9 for now. directx11 support will come at the november this year with a huge performance boost. They had could wait but they sold a “lesser” product. And I bet because of the Q2 report. That is shady.

You may should have read my other response in this thread before you started to type ;) I know that this was not Mature but that day I had a really bad encounter with the Master Race. I apologized to the guy already. I had a great discussion with KIREEK here in the “as console player I can say...” post, if you are

All I want is the same or similar gameplay what I had in Arkham City. I even wouldn’t care if it had the exact same grapic. And I’m praying that Feral is doing a better job for the MAC and Linux port, then the guys for the Windows port. *fingers cross*