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I have a love/hate relationship with that movie, simply for the fact that whenever I meet someone named “Mark” that scene, you know that scene, pops in my head and I giggle. And I feel like such a jerk giggling. BUT I CAN’T HELP IT! It’s too incredibly funny.

I remember reading recently that lesbian porn is the most popular among straight women. The article speculated that straight porn is made primarily for men and so shows men in aggressive/dominant roles and women in submissive roles (eg break-in turns to sex, babysitter stuff) and women feel uncomfortable watching it.

My 6-year-old’s teacher decided on a late 90’s-theme for a dance medley they did this year, and my son (who was the chubbiest, most adorable Ricky Martin ever!) demanded Christina Aguilera Spotify playlists at home. It was kind of shocking to listen to the “Come On Over” lyrics again as a parent, and I totally got why

I’ve never seen any of his work, as far as I’m aware. I just feel like it’s not really shocking that someone working in porn has issues with women.

You are absolutely right, and I’m sorry that happened to you. Its taken me 3 years to call a spade a spade after a bunch of emotional abuse, and I’m still buggered if I’m going to say it out loud to people who won’t want to beleive me. I beat mysel up for not being strong eneough to face them, but on the other hand

HOLY SHIT SEASON TWO OF BROADCHURCH IS ON NETFLIX!?!?!/ Thank you, kind internet stranger, for giving me the gift of Broadchurch once we polish off Jessica Jones.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.... I agree with all of that but please don’t discount the need to start with Eccleston’s Doctor. Also, throw some Decoy Bride in there!(Watching season 2 of Broadchurch right now!)

I’d like to cite the landmark Supreme Court case of Finders/Keepers v. Losers/Weepers.

Or the next season of Serial

I made my gramma’s apple ginger pie. She’s alive still but has dementia, so.

Aye? OK, so admittely, I really haven’t thought about Roseanne since the 90’s when she was living with Walter Sobchak. So...I guess she changed?

He’s racist against glue, though. He’s some sort of rubber-supremacist.

I’ll never be noticed because NO ONE IS IN LOVE WITH ME. I wonder what people THINK ABOUT ME? What do I MEAN TO OTHERS?

Is this a real life or just a fantasy
