I wish the choker thing would come back into fashion. Also love toe rings and butterfly clips.
I wish the choker thing would come back into fashion. Also love toe rings and butterfly clips.
Holy shit that was an amazing hit of nostalgia right there. I was only going to listen to the first ten seconds so I could remember it but I ended up jamming to the whole thing.
I admire this guys stupidity. I would certainly never run from the cops, and I have a medical marijuana card so that’s a moot point for me, but I can see how a police chase might be fun. I also have a longstanding fantasy of robbing a pharmacy. Being a floutlaw is fun until you get caught.
This brought me great joy.
I took ballet classes from the age of three until I was sixteen, and I have so much appreciation for it as an art/sport. I had to star this because I am now rather plump and a bit of a stoner, and I, too, love doing random leaps and arabesques while high. Never get the urge sober, but when I’m high it’s crooked…
Oh man, I’ve never heard of Macho B. I am not surprised, but I am always saddened to hear about man’s inhumanity toward our fellow living creatures. I fervently hope we don’t allow such an atrocity to occur again. El Jefe is so beautiful.
Holy shit, really!? I live in Phoenix! I had no idea there was a jaguar roaming the state. Despite the fact that I will never see him, this makes me happy. I would rather share the state with him than Arpaio.
24 here. Also feel elderly and enjoy mostly elderly pursuits. The only thing that gives away my age is the iPhone permanently attached to my left hand.
If the blind items are to believed (and god knows I want them to be true), Giada is pretty messy herself.
I have always loved Bowie but never knew much about him personally. I am so happy to see what a good man he demonstrated himself to be in life.
Never forget! He really sealed his douchey fate for me in that episode of Punk’d.
I love that this Rob/Blac Chyna thing is happening. It is wonderful.
I love that you shared this. I am in a similar place. Depression and anxiety have prevented me from focusing on anything more challenging than a long form article for years. I hope to re-acquire my ability to read. It was my drug as a kid. I lost myself in books. I know I will do so again and I am very happy for you…
Fitzgerald was a hell of a writer. I loved Tender is the Night.
It is truly hilarious.
CT is teh sex
This Neverland Era Michael Jackson voice having creeper, who more than violated the rights of those domestic abuse victims to whom he sent lurid texts, as well as being among the most unethical douchebags to have ever practiced law, can take a long hike off a short cliff. I would add that he needs a nice dose of…
I have to shamefully admit to full on N*sync mania as a young girl during their big years, and now that I’m a grownup stoner, the collision of those two worlds, with Joey Fatone handing me a joint, would quite possibly be the most awesome thing I could ever experience. I would rather it had been Lance Bass (because of…
You are spot-fucking-on, vulvasaurus (and god I love that name haha, but I bet you get that a lot!) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, learning how to process the traumas I’ve been through, learning coping skills that will allow me to confront life on life’s terms... These are the things that will mean the difference…