
Actually, I think the best outcome would have been if they had trimmed out all the fluff which seemed to make up about 90% of Season 7, and which seemed to make up *all* of Season 6, barring a couple of episodes, once the opening six-parter was over. Then, they could have done the whole final arc and wrapped the show

The first season just generally had some weird rapey vibes in it that I'm glad they went away from in subsequent seasons.

Traveling through time and space? Are you telling me that a sitcom titled "Family Matters" got turned into a sci-fi? That's just weird.

Pretty sure it was always syndicated (Wikipedia claims they considered a run on Fox when they were starting out, but ended up not going for it).

Never watched the show per se, but that theme brought back memories, because it's remarkably similar to the theme song from one of my favorite childhood video games (which obviously ripped it off something fierce).

Hey, as long as we're going down that road: if you want a real challenge, find a score by John Williams and Gustav Holst each that you haven't heard before, shuffle the two, and then see if you can tell which is which.

Certainly seems more advantageous than what Maggie Lizer did.

Yep. That piece is the main reason I put Bach in the list.

Also worthy of mention: the many, many famous pieces of music written by unknowns, but attributed to famous composers such as Haydn, Mozart, or Bach to increase their sales.

No mention of Joyce Hatto?

There is however, the side that she helped, which happens to be the side that won the war. It's not unreasonable to expect that side to show some gratitude. I don't expect "The South Will Rise Again" people to be intelligent, but I do appreciate the irony that you're arguing with me when, in this one instance,

Ah, I see, you're one of *those*. Bye!

I doubt she saw it that way.

Like a war hero. The woman risked her life every day for her country, for God's sake. What have you ever done that was that selfless and brave?

Yeah, I don't know much about Hamlin either, but I mean, c'mon. In order to be worse than Johnson, you'd pretty much have to be doing it on purpose.

Or Bingly, as the case may be.

A right-wing Bing big anti-Whig conspiracy?

Did she eat any cherries there, maybe? I understand those were the natural enemy of the Taylor clan.

If Hamlin hadn't been dropped, though, we would have avoided having President Johnson. That would have to be an improvement.

Dammit, this story was really awesome until it got to her getting screwed over in the aftermath. Jeez, God bless friggin' America.