
If someone could tell me who the real producer of the Mocha Joe-Joes was so I could find those during times when they're not "in season" at TJ's, I'd be one happy customer.

I remember getting the shit scared out of me when Huey, Dewey, and Louie got turned into gold statues in that one.

I was expecting "Things we were unhappiest to learn" to be, "And after all that work, the whole city burned down a few years later in 1871."

When you really think about it, though, it wouldn't really change anything, since Warp 4-5 was the speed we usually saw the Enterprise traveling at anyway. Going faster than that was one of the ways for the show to signal that Shit Just Got Real™. So now we have a rule that says they can only go real fast in emergency

See, this I've never understood. Original Oreos have always seemed bland to me—like, why eat all those calories for that?

Hydrox lives:

And "smrt," of course, is Czech for "death."

And "smrt," of course, is Czech for "death."

Well, he did take down Ike the Spike fairly effortlessly, which seems more Cooper than Dougie.

The face on the money looked like Millard Fillmore to me.

I thought McLachlan was the one who nixed the Audrey/Cooper romance. Because she was supposed to be a teenager and it was creepy.

Look what happened to Adric! He died, and it actually stuck.

If you're curious, you can check out the episode from my Let's Play of the game:

Voyager was well-lit, too. So, of the five series, DS9 (Cardassian tech) and Enterprise (early days, need to conserve power) were in the minority.

I just want the bridge computers to go "tweet, tweet, tweet."

Which was incredibly appropriate for this show, since each movement of that symphony is a lament for a lost child.

Unfortunately no, as he was already gone by the time it was made. The replacement was… ah… not good.

If you think Carmel is irreplaceable, just play the mission from the 90s video game Star Trek: 25th Anniversary with Mudd in it, and you'll still think Carmel is irreplaceable. :-P

Also: when playing in two-player mode, it always caused massive fights over who would get to do the level or mushroom house that had it.