
Who later changed her name to Softcat to avoid comparison with the terrorist group.

Cat racism?

Thousand Island dressing itself is a sham. A real Reuben is made with Russian dressing.

Hey, I can dream, can't I?

Pssst… I think he was being sarcastic too

How many State Songs aren't lame, though? The schools in my home state never taught our state song, most likely because the thing was impossible to get through without cracking up.

Or the Republican Party gets forced to shift to saner ground, and starts running candidates like Eisenhower again. Either way, I'm for it.

And Jackson's shutting down of the Bank of the United States had nuuuuuthin' to do with that.

The thing that gets me is that Benjamin Harrison reused the "Tippecanoe" song later on when he ran for President in 1888. Associating your campaign with the guy who died in 30 days and the VP that got kicked out of his own party and then joined the Confederacy—brilliant! And it worked, too, because he (barely) won the

We don't have data to judge their leadership styles, though. We don't know the effectiveness or the results of their policies, because they were never implemented.

My understanding was that Fillmore had been pretty actively pushing for the Compromise while he was VP, but Taylor was pretty much NO and that was that. Until he died…

Which is kinda where I feel that WHH, Taylor, and Garfield should be—left out of the rankings. We don't have enough data to evaluate them fairly.

Well, that's not surprising. Have you ever looked at that portrait of Tyler? Dude looks like a Puritan preacher.

That was the Compromise of 1850, not the Missouri Compromise. The latter was a done deal well before Taylor's time. And yeah, the Fugitive Slave Act (part of the Compromise) was such a crock of BS.

Yeah, you can't really say "They would have been great" or "they would have been awful", because you don't really know. I'm just saying that you *also* can't say "They would have been mediocre", since we don't really know that *either*. Basically, IMO, these guys (along with Garfield, a president who apparently had a

Although to be fair, with Taylor and W. H. Harrison, they might not have been mediocre; we don't really know what kind of presidents they would have been, since they died too early for us to really find out. They might have been awesome, they might have been horrible… we'll never know.

It’s not clear how the story gets retold, since even the teller dies of fright afterward.

I always like to refer to North Korea as the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. As someone said (me, but I'm someone, so this statement isn't wrong), the fact that anyone who's a Democrat, Republican, or… people is considered to be different from Kim Jong Un in any way, shape, or form is one of the greatest cons

That job offer at Schweikart won't necessarily last indefinitely. By the time Jimmy inevitably fucks Kim over, that door probably won't be open for her anymore.

I think it's more that the WWII Japanese don't have a catchy title like "Nazis" to specifically single out the ones that were involved in the war. So you have freedom to use colorful derogatory language with the dirty, stinking Nazis, whereas if you talked about the dirty, stinking Japanese (or the dirty, stinking