
and... you’ve just proven his point.

You don’t like milk. Nobody should drink milk. What else do we need to do Rebecca? How else can we live our lives in your approved way?

Hamilton. Should I let you know where to send my check? Let’s start with you redistributing your money and possessions.

Mueller said in his letter and phone call that Barr’s summary wasn’t “inaccurate or misleading,” but that Mueller “expressed frustration over the lack of context and the resulting media coverage regarding the special counsel’s obstruction analysis,”

This is easy. You don’t like the compensation/requirements/bullshit that goes with this job? Don’t work the job. End of story.

I’m glad that you were able to let your son wait and enter kindergarten. This points out the problem with diagnosising ADHD at such an early age. If younger kindergarteners are more likely to be diagnosed, then it shows that schools and staff are too quick to apply a label that can effect how they are treated by

Make sure you want to hold all to the same standard.

Oh my dear. If only there were a way of changing the constitution, amending it as it were. You don’t need a better way, you need to put in the work.

Thank goodness she doesn’t identify as a man as well. Then she would get praise for claiming to be something her DNA says she is not, while being taken to task for claiming to be something her DNA says she is not. It would require some very skillful verbal and logical gymnastics, but I can see the headline now:

If she was Republican, how fast would you have called for her resignation? Just sayin....

I hear you. For you, Johnson isn’t black enough to play John Henry. I don’t want to be the one to tell him that he isn’t black enough and I’m not sure why you get to make that decision. Maybe some sort of codification would help actors to decide which roles they are allowed to take. You could create a palette guide I

This. This is the response to pointing out something overtly discriminatory. It shouldn’t matter who is getting discriminated against. And gender is a protected class. And before I get blasted off the page, what about the boys that aren’t privileged? If they can’t afford the class, I guess that’s hard luck for those

Rescinding a tax break is First Amendment violation? How? Delta is still free to make their point. It may cost them on the bottom line, but Delta has already said it’s cool with that. Censorship and consequences are two very different things.

I can’t understand your reaction to number 9, the question of the day. Would you allow a white person to ask a similar question of a black teacher? or an Asian? or Hispanic? Are we to the point where one’s academic credentials are based solely on their race?

The sword example is not about someone becoming violent when they drink it is about both parties being impaired. And your advice that if you’re the kind of person who gets drunk and makes bad decisions could apply to both parties i.e. “If you don’t make good decisions drunk (like holding the can or giving impaired

I watched all the videos and I think they’re all really good, but it did bring two questions to my mind. Both are asked from a logical perspective. Not as a way to find a loop hole.

Never heard of Jenson’s book, but it sounds similar to the highly successful Toilet Training in Less Than a Day by Azrin and Foxx. One difference I noticed from your article is that Azrin & Foxx suggest giving plenty of fluids to up the frequency of having to go. I trained all three of my kids using this method and,

Kaepernick is free to protest and speak his mind. Who could possibly say different?
The owners are free to hire or fire anyone they want (within contractual requirements). Who could disagree?

Speaking your mind, protesting, being civilly disobedient all may come with a cost. If Kaep can no longer play in the NFL because