Thanks for finding me in the greys, cubes.
Thanks for finding me in the greys, cubes.
The infield at major events is full of poor people. It costs like $20 to get in. These are state school white trash who think a pastel shirt makes them look rich.
I think she’s possibly the fakest actress there is. Incredibly obnoxious and phony.
Cuban got lucky with What has he done since? I recall him calling Google stupid for buying youtube for $1.5B. Obnoxious toolbag who is basically a younger, dorkier version of Trump. Good luck with Cyber Dust, bro. LOL
Actually, the SRX (now called XT5) is their biggest seller; Escalade has highest margins.
Time is money. Who has time to deal with service and loaners and bullshit. That’s why ballers buy new. And when the new car acts up, it’s gone.
Nice try, GM employee in SoHo, Warren or Milford.
By “opulent boats” you mean SUVs, yes? Because yes, they need to 86 all their cars nobody buys and just become a ridiculously high margin and highly successful SUV company (see: GMC).
“Good on,” huh? Do you force British lexicon in real life or just on hip nyc-based blogs?
Cool rental car, bro.
I listen to the police scanner in D.C. once in a while. All the shooting calls are the same, “Send a rig [ambulance]!” Followed by, “Nobody will talk to us.”
Seems Highland Park takes their mugshots with a Motorola Razr flip-phone.
Wofford has been an attention whoring name dropper his entire life. He grew up an old money WASP...went to Howard Law School so he could say he was the first white student (he transferred to Yale Law School, naturally)...going out a “proud gay” is just another notch in his obsession with curating a sterling…
I think the preying is the other way around. The layabout young loser wanted a sugar daddy (that he prob thought would have died 10 years ago).