
If you got the deluxe version, larian provides pdf character sheets for the origin characters in the games install directory.

You can share it to your YouTube account still.

Those aren’t the same thing, and it seems disingenuous to imply they are.

I can see why you’d say that, because you don’t have a frame of reference for what makes this better than the Rift S. The Index is a significant jump up from the Rift S. The tracking system this uses, while requiring external setup (they aren’t actually sensors, but are called lighthouses as they sweep your area with

Keep in mind, Bethesda Softworks didn’t make ESO, Zenimax Online did.

Actually the PS4’s OS is Based off BSD not Linux, close though.

No, the Xbox had PPC cpu not an AMD cpu. But yeah it had AMD gpu.

MS definitely did things right, however I wouldnt say that the ps3's interface was clunky... infact it seems to me to be far more efficient than the xbox dash. less button presses to do what you want (in most cases anyway.)

... that statment perplexes me greatly. to me my nexus 7 just feels 'right' when i hold it like that. also considering the ipad mini is actually wider you would think that it would be harder to hold like that.

lol. use a nexus device. but yes i totally agree, it just so happens that apple's experience for me is very lackluster and constricting.

found out capacitors still hold charge when i was taking a disposable camera apart when i was 10, was a hell of a jolt. found it to be cool so i kept charging it and getting my friends to touch the leads without them knowing... hehe.

oh wow.... that sucks, with regular to moderate usage my gsm gnex gets about 15 hours.

or s4a's if you have an android phone. fantastic phones.

i think there needs to be a distinction between android 2.* and 4.* launchers while both operate under the same basic principles the basic ics launcher is a bit better than the best gingerbread launcher.

delete please.

there are already solutions for using a dualshock and wiimote with a pc and of course direct x already supports xbox controllers. in most instances its free (if you want wireless you might need to buy a supported bluetooth adapter if yours isnt supported.)

yup i agree.

i disagree, i can switch from one to another with ease, and sometimes i will grab the wrong controller and not know it until i get no response from my game. while the controllers are similar size and layout they do have to be held differently. in my experience you grasp the xbox controller and cradle the dualshock.

locked bootloaders suck.... have an atrix 2 and love the phone, but i have been jonesing for some proper android modding on it.... last two phones i ran amock with custom roms.

pretty cool, i hope apple picks this up for ios 6. android die hards will slam them for copying android, but honestly if it improves the user experience why not?