
truly believe Microsoft is the pinnacle of controller design. Elite controller and accessible adaptive controller are world class

We found the douchebag transphobe. She already served her prison time for her crimes, they should stop trying to coerce her into testifying because they’ll be responsible for her death the next time she tries to kill herself.

The fact you feel the need to misgender her throughout your stupid screed says everything about you.

Probably not, but shouldn’t the presumptive nominee answer these questions?

Don’t you understand that if we simply avoid mentioning Joe Biden’s horrific record and absolute lack of appeal to anyone under 45, those issues will simply go away in time for a general election?

Unlike Joe Biden who is a holy saint, if you ignore the groping, and support of segregation that is

Heh.  That’s EXACTLY my reaction.  have a star

So a Land Rover Discovery??? I thought Ford and Land Rover parted ways?

Who do you think got it into the ACA?

Centrism is a disease and prevents progress. Only in this stupid country does having strong ideals come off as an ignorant stance.

You wanted Warren but your next best is Biden? How does that shake out? They have like nothing in common policy-wise. Also, basing your vote on how some white supporters are wylin online instead on what the candidate is proposing is mad misguided.

A centrist, someone who thinks torturing mexican kids is okay but doesn’t say it out loud.

But again, this mentality of yours makes absolutely no sense to me. Every time someone makes this argument, all I can think of is the below meme, and it’s 100% true. A small contingent of Bernie supporters are absolutely very vocal and passionate to a degree that can come across as alienating. I won’t deny that, but

WTF how is that his fault? She makes her own decisions.

Holy shit, can you imagine being so fucking deranged that you think the image is even remotely humorous?

Imagine being so deranged you’re defending it

Canada has pretty strong cp laws, Australia too. When compared to say the US.

SSSShhhhhsh. (This goes against the Jalopnik narrative.).....It was too tight for TINY Kristen Lee everybody! Too cramped!!!

No, it really is self-destructive. These companies are feeding off themselves. It’s the PEF brokers sucking the ‘value’ out of a company, its name and IP, until there’s nothing left. Then they sell off the desiccated remains and move onto the next company.