Why not post the english version?
Why not post the english version?
Looks incredibly beautiful, though I wouldn't expect anything less. Also am I crazy or is Michael K. Williams one of the squad mates? It definitely sounds/looks like him. I hope I'm right because I love him as an actor.
Well this should make you even happier. Just saw someone post this on twitter, links to download every episode: http://pastebin.com/Da1QMJUa
Ryan O'Donnell has all the episodes and he's been talking about wanting to upload them all to youtube. Hopefully we see that happen soon now that 1up is gone.
I highly recommend watching this for anyone interested in the motivations for funding NASA throughout the years. Tyson does a pretty good job laying it out.
I'm in Sweden studying abroad for the year and I didn't even know this existed. Looks like it would've been awesome to go to. *sigh*
Ahhh I knew that music sounded familiar. Röyksopp is awesome.
"Sure, it had to do this to swap over its codebase, but that doesn't make it suck any less for the existing userbase who, you'd think, it would want out there talking about how much they love their Windows Phones."
It only takes hearing the first two seconds of "Peril" for me to get chills. Listening to the Halo soundtracks is definitely an emotional experience. Too many great memories from each game (a majority from Halo 2).
I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure the NIF (National Ignition Facility) is more powerful. Even it's UV laser light the result of the collision is very high energy X-Rays. [lasers.llnl.gov]
I'm sad they didn't make it for the DS. Rhythm Heaven and Elite Beat Agents/Ouendan are probably my favorite DS games. The touch screen makes music games much more fun.
I spy Vamp. Also, I'm probably more interested in the story than anything else.....it IS Raiden though.....
Very cool to see some death metal on #soundtrack. Hmmm, what can I contribute. Well sticking with the Nordic theme, here's some Ensiferum. Not death metal but still amazing. Probably my favorite band. I'd also suggest some Equilibrium if you're into Ensiferum.
Yes! Thank you. I completely agree
Great album! I've been listening to mostly Behemoth and Nile myself. Inferno and Kollias are too amazing.
Has anyone in this family ever even seen a chicken?
Bit.Trip Complete, Crysis 2 and a little bit of BF3 multiplayer for me.