Saints fan?
Saints fan?
Reggie White was a POS, so headhunting in NO was OK. Got it.
wah wah false accusations wah It’S aBoUt EtHiCs In GaMiNg JoUrNaLiSm
Fuck off, incel
What a completely disingenuous and dumbassed take on such a weighty issue.
I mean, he caused his suicide.
The people who would do such a thing were never fans of the game in the first place. The themes are the tonal opposite of what they stand for. Sadly, hypocrisy hasn’t stopped them before.
I’m already seeing the comments, so let’s be clear about something here:
“Cancel Culture” did not kill Alec Holowka. We don’t yet have the full picture of how he died, but it sounds as if he died by suicide, and had been suffering from a host of psychological and personal difficulties prior to that final, tragic act.
GG has already forced both Zoe and Eileen off Twitter. Amongst the multitude of reasons this whole situation is awful is that it’s already being weaponized by the worst people on the internet. GamerGate never went away, but I’m dreading that it’s about to make a loud, ugly, giant resurgence.
As with all things sensitive like this, avoid the greys. People will use any event to spread their abuse and hate, even something like this. Ignore them.
“Yet, the intended shock value is slightly offset by the film’s insinuation that Arthur is, even partially, justified. Others characters are threatening him. They’re bullying him. What choice does he have but to retaliate with a vengeance?“
If you write for a tech website, you know there are far better alternatives, especially if you don’t have any other Apple products.
Also, you have to fucking make it to the Super Bowl multiple times in a row to be a version of the Bills. These people are aspiring to Bills-dom.
Considering the title of his video is YOUVE BEEN LIED TO!!
ProJared: “I can show one person lied yet all I can claim is that the other must be a liar because they have a mental illness and as we all know all people with mental illnesses are liars 100% of the time and it’s fine for me (a married man) to request nudes from fans online as I was creating a “welcoming environment”…
We’re one more star-crossed playoff exit away from being the louder, drunker version of the Buffalo Bills.
Just when the last y’at from White Flightsville finally, FINALLY stopped bitching about Bountygate...
No one is forced to work anywhere, but there are regulations controlling everywhere else anyway.
Here’s an exclusive preview of the last panel from Marvel’s next big massive cross-over event:
“and when Disney calls to borrow a cup of sugar”