
Peck your beak *baw baw baw*

Even though I'm never going to play it—pretty good looking game.

Paul Pierce reached the 20,000 point mark tonight. That's about all I got.

After playing for a bit I can confirm that this game is hard, especially on impossible, but it is really satisfying once you get a good run in.

"Blood and Thunder".....does the world know that Mastodon has a bunch of different songs??? And they're all just as good??

That first night, so cold, dreary and scary. With only a single torch lighting my cave and the sound of zombies being my only respite from losing my mind because of loneliness.... Dear god don't make me do that again!

He's also sponsored by Under Armor ;)

lol anyone notice the spy reappear behind the soldier right before the end? Trickster.

Needs more metally metal

Press x to Jason! Will do good sir

I didn't even notice that all six members of Noble were in the trailer. Pretty awesome.

There is honestly John Daly golf game???? WTH?

@RockyRan: I agree but hopefully sometime afterwards they'll release the standalone controller (we can pray).

@RockyRan: What's the point in arguing about whether they should exist or not? They have for the last five years and it doesn't look like they're going anywhere anytime soon. Would it be nice if they had a built in battery like the dualshock 3? Of course. But they don't so why waste time arguing about it?

@RockyRan: So pretty much everything you just said had absolutely nothing to do with what my point was. I wasn't arguing whether or not xbox controllers should have batteries/a charge kit already included. My point was that these controller+play and charge kits have been around for awhile so there's no reason for

Okay there's a lot of hate going out over this new controller announcement (most of it warranted), but everyone who's bitching about the price needs to do a little research. Microsoft has been offering this controller+play and charge kit combo for a LONG time at $64.99, so nothing is changing. In fact you're actually

Anyone else notice this is pretty much the same thing Fred, Kelly and Joshua did in 'First Strike' on Reach? Except instead of running to the ship they took Banshees. I feel like Microsoft/Bungie are ignoring what happened in 'First Strike' and are just making a story loosely based on what happened in the book. Unless

More metal please. COB and Dethklok are a good start but let's see some lesser known metal bands get a chance.