
Sonic 3 (& Knuckles) forever and always.

Eugh, not this shit again.

I rewatched that moment so many times. Just perfect.

Patrick? Kinda surprised his name isn't Steev or Mike.

This is a nice tonic after yesterday's Oakerson debacle. Gaffigan's seems like a real swell, down-to-earth guy.

This Exists also did a great video on this

"A lot of people that don’t know what animation is" This is supremely baffling. What kind of cave dwellers is talking to? And… why?

All Hail West Texas!

Yes, but doesn't the Bible also say, "Thou shalt not take… moochers into thy… hut?

No. Pu. Pu!

I kinda wish this fake story had revolved around Lydia Lunch instead.

I'm quite happy to be watching at a slower pace, too. The show's hilarious, but it's dealing with some heavy shit. There's a layer of subtext to everything that I wouldn't want to try and deal with all at once.

I thought she looked familiar!

Fuck my butt titties!

John Teti's old PR write-ups are some of my favorite things on the AV Club. Here's hoping there may be more someday!

Nothing can beat the dude who caught and drank a cup of beer thrown by an audience member while he was crowd-walking.

Hot damn, what a solid debut. Entertaining characters. Thrillingly pulpy, cartooney action. A smidge of brooding. Definitely getting in on the ground floor with this one.

I actually quite enjoyed a lot of the jokes in this one, my favorite being Arnie Pie in the Sky (a little Arnie goes a long way). Sometimes it works to just forget about the story and find the laughs.

Vox has quickly become one of my favorite Youtube channels. Consistently quality content.