
Just watching this show now, so don’t know if it is ever discussed. At this point, I love the ambiguity of the way the show presents it (to the point where I had not even thought to ask until you did).  But, if it is never answered, I do find it significant that this is right when Syd talks about inhabiting her

This. My teenage years were steeped in the Epitaph/Fat Wreck shit-punk of the mid-90s, 99% of which is too unbearable to revisit. I think the real thrust of the study is that the average person is too unadventurous and uninterested to explore beyond the familiar.  

Why is a library computer harassing you, Mega Man?

Oh, here we go with #millenialnonsplainingshaming.

Folks in your office cook lunch from scratch? That’s commendable, but far from the norm (for millenials or anyone).  I have never heard of an office kitchen with anything beyond a microwave and toaster.

Good point. For sure, he fed into the narrative—it really couldn’t have ever become a narrative unless that was how he was selling it to begin with. I’m under no pretense that he was harvesting beans in the day and writing songs by candle-lantern far from civilization. Dude went to his parents’ house and recorded

But that was an irresistible true story about a great album—a variation on the myth of the artist who holes up alone in the woods and returns with a masterpiece. (Never mind that this wasn’t Walden, but a regular old house that happened to be in the woods). In Bon Iver’s defense, he had moved onto new things by his

A true talent and unique voice—Grimes produces, writes, and sings (and snarls, and shrieks) and there’s nothing quite like it.  Her last album was terrific.

One of my favorite Buster shorts, and a killer punchline.  

He apparently used surveying equipment to make sure he was in exactly the right place in the frame.  Absolutely amazing .

+1 Username/comment synergy

IIRC, that’s also the one where Depp apes Chaplin’s “roll dance” from The Gold Rush.  

And it’s surprisingly (post)modern—people think “meta” started with Community.

Thanks! I know just the scene. I’ll watch carefully on my next rewatch.

Shy guy here (actually, personality-disorder shy). If you can’t just shadow whoever invited you, my tactic is to hang back and look for other folks who are alone, and approach them to start a conversation. Those are usually also shysters who are appreciative to have someone else start it up.

“Wait, so it would have to be black and white?”

That’s some terrific trivia! Do you know which stunt? 

Also worth mentioning: Buster Keaton stunts make terrific GIFs.

Man, you are in for a treat with Keaton.