
This is beyond dumb:

To quote your name, “yeah, maybe,” but not here. Franken did not have authority or “social power” over her. They were entertainers in entirely separate fields.

On the last episode’s review (just yesterday!), I bemoaned my troubles enjoying this season. I actually think this episode was season’s best yet, and the first deserving of an A.

Much as Bamford is a genius and much as I loved season 1, I’m finding this season a bit lackluster. The “Duluth 1987” scenes are too depressing, the “future” scenes are too chaotic and hallucinatory, and the “present” scenes (though the most watchable) have felt too inconsequential. While I laugh a good handful of

Tough call for me. Would Louis have admitted and apologized had Weinstein and Spacey been successful in bullshitting their way through?

Nice to have a civil conversation on the internet, isn’t it? As it is, your points on 30 Rock are totally valid—there are definitely some clunkers in there, and they definitely overrelied on certain characters (Kenneth especially, in my mind) and joke types.

Amy Sedaris is indeed a gem—I have not seen her new show (I don’t have cable, unfortunately), but have fond memories of the grotesque and hilarious Strangers With Candy.

Yup! It was renewed. I’m a little nervous about it, actually—the first season was so wonderful and self-contained.

Misogynist comedy and entertainment scenes allowed this to happen. Let’s support and thank the women in comedy who persevered this toxic environment:

I think it would require a nearly impossible level of credible, public atonement and real personal change. At least to get me to tolerate him again. I believe in second chances, but they have to be earned.

GLOW was thoroughly delightful. I wanted to rewatch it the second it ended, and I miss it already.

Opinion I disagree with =/= idiotic

More than there are currently.

Is Kill Bill really tainted? I grapple with it. On the one hand, it is a Tarentino creation, and Weinstein’s name on it doesn’t mean he had any influence whatsoever over its art.

I think so. He commented semifrequently shortly after the Kinjappening, but I haven’t seen him in a long while. I’m assuming he’s peaced out.

We all need to draw the line for ourselves. I will have no hesitation rewatching Kill Bill, even though Weinstein’s name is on it. He had a hand in its release, but not really in its creation.

No revisionism here. Nobody is going door-to-door to collect and burn all Louis CK DVDs.

Jumping on @MisterCecil’s comment, yeah, you are taking a lot of unearned, misguided crap today. I know you know you’re right, but still.

I’ll disagree with you on A (except “this fool”—that’s about right). In the realm of comedy, Louis CK is as genius as Bowie and Prince are to music.

I’ll allow it...though you missed the “You guessed it...”