
Also came here to talk about the last episode of Community. After seasons of changes, for a show so self-aware, the finale’s concept of the characters each envisioning a seventh season was practically inevitable (and somehow still caught me off-guard). And it held just the right tone of wistfulness, anticipation,

I said the same thing in a thread above. It was one of my first lessons in learning that some things cannot be undone, and change must be accepted. Half of the game is in the Ruin, and unlike LOZ:LTTP, you can’t go back.

That is such a great, overlooked game. Great analysis.

You Can Leave Your Hat On

(In the style of Jeff Foxworthy)

Actually, you can just type CTRL+B or CTRL+I like in Word.

You raise an interesting point—anyone who truly believes that being gay is a “choice” is probably gay. Any straight person knows by experience you cannot choose to be attracted to the same sex.

Naked Gun is such a goddamn treasure that you might even be right.

They call that a grey poop-on.

Don’t get me wrong—Kinja is a travesty. I’m trying to convince myself more than anyone else.

Man, I’m trying, but this site is garbage.

Check your gray’nuss, and check it often

I will say that, from a typological perspective, the narrowness of the articles/comments makes the content arguably easier to read, as it does not require the eye to travel as far. In that way, it resembles a newspaper.

Always glad to see silent comedies see love. They activate an entirely different part of the brain.

With you on Airplane!, not on Duck Soup. While it starts slow, it made me laugh more than the vast majority of movies, modern or not. Old-fashioned, sure, but rapid-fire funny.

I adore Amy Sedaris, and loathe the Mimi character—for me the one blot on a fantastic show.

GOP is Donkey Kong—Cheering a brute, chanting, “lock her up!” and desperately trying, and inevitably failing, to keep away immigrants going north.

You seem to be ungreyed now. It happens when AVC follows you.


Starred and de-starred. You know, downvoted.