
So they replaced a quality corded product that will work for hours non-stop for a shitty cordless product that will last as little as 10 minutes on a charge.

Holy hell thats quite a lot louder. I made a comment way about that the Vermont ANG flies F-16s out of BTV already so what’s the big deal? Apparently 20+db is the big deal. Thats pretty significant!

Some quick research showed that the F-35 is much louder than the F-16.

Ben Cohen has a long history of political activism, and I don’t think it is fair to describe him as a NIMBY.

I’m 25 miles away from Nellis AFB but under their typical flight path out of Vegas and the noise pollution is still pretty bad.

Yeah, they should take their crap somewhere else.

Any given year’s best picture almost never wins Best Picture.

Cosmetic-only lootboxes are still lootboxes.

I wasn’t going to put in those words but won’t the Tesla be alternatively cooked and frozen to a few Kelvins for a minimum of two millenia before it hits anything? If nothing else those bacteria deserve a planet if they can hack it through millenia of cold and hot radiation.

You seem to think posting videos on website owned by a private company is is a right and they have to let you do it ....

And they’re free to do that. Youtube, however, as a private company, has no obligation to provide the means for them to do it. It’s their house, they set the rules, if you don’t like it you can host your shit somewhere else.

Wow, losing the election really freed up Hillary Clinton’s artistic pursuits. You go, girl.

I really hope Behr’s documentary cultivates enough interest for CBS to authorize HD remasters of DS9 and Voyager.

Hands down, and it’s not even close. Best characters, stories, exploration of themes, and it managed put a little flame underneath the Federation to see how far they would go to protect paradise in a way that fit within the universe. It’s just great.

Best Star Trek *period*

Tesla is being sued because some guy’s kid died after ignoring all warning signs not to 100% trust autopilot, and that he should still be paying attention to the road in case the car doesn’t detect something. Goodyear is being sued because RV manufacturers used tires designed for low-speed delivery vehicles, and then

So one of the claims is the sweeper was visible for 20 seconds and the vehicle took no action to avoid it. If only there was a way the car could have been manually manipulated to change course away from a stationary object by some sentient being responsible for operating the vehicle.

I’ve always favoured the Enterprise-D—I genuinely think it’s the best looking, and it’s the one I have by far the greatest sentimental attachment to.

Enterprise-D should be number one... For reasons.

I hate this list and want to fight it with my fists.