
This deal is pure torture...we are moving this weekend to Austin and I don't know what our ISP is there (doubt it's Google Fiber, who knows). I'm *almost* tempted to buy this just so I don't miss out on this killer deal since it's almost certain that I'll need a cable modem anyway.

This deal is pure torture...we are moving this weekend to Austin and I don't know what our ISP is there (doubt it's

This deal is pure torture...we are moving this weekend to Austin and I don’t know what our ISP is there (doubt it’s Google Fiber, who knows). I’m *almost* tempted to buy this just so I don’t miss out on this killer deal since it’s almost certain that I’ll need a cable modem anyway.

So, I know I already commented once, but I have to ask...where is the victory lap post for Star Trek winning March Madness?

It's not because I want to rub it into people's faces that we overcame an early deficit, but rather because I know there has been a championship post every March for the winner, and Star Trek

Relating to your "turn on the lights" comment, it should be noted that DS9 had more of a problem with lighting because when they converted the episodes to broadcast format, it turns out a lot darker than intended.

I love both franchises. Both are fun in their own way, both have great material that has been created both originally and from spin-offs. Both take place in space. Both are cultural icons tht changed the world forever. Both talk about deep-seated and important issues that we can relate to.

So for those of us who don't stream any video from HBO, Sony and Showtime, does this even matter?

The title of the thread was a bit misleading because there are examples of these posters in various museums I've been to here in the US.

Harris, this post was beyond well-timed for me individually- I'm in a very similar relationship (newly married for a few months) and what I have experienced is almost a complete mirror reflection of the situation of the person in this first letter that you responded.

So all I really gathered was that these are going to end up in the next Tron sequel.

Although the power-projection abilities are unavoidable, my question is whether or not maritime rights like the one China is shooting for apply to manmade islands such as these.

The title of this article should've been "Watch an ISS Astronaut spend a few seconds eloquently talking about Star Trek"

True narcissism means owning one of these:

All of the points in this article are spot-in. I would say one thing, though, that I've learned over the past five years of having to lead teams to create a workplace where everyone adored the job and formed meaningful relationships with those they rubbed shoulders with—relationships that still last many years later

I sure hope they don't stiff the DS9 music...they need to play some selections from "Sacrifice of Angels", "What You Leave Behind", etc from the Dominion War arc. It was enough of a miracle to have the DS9 Collection released a while ago with four discs' worth of music, and seeing it live would be beyond incredible.

I have to say, "The Visitor" from DS9 may not be literally interpreted as the character living an entire lifetime in one day, but I think it deserves some consideration (SPOILER ALERT BELOW):

Half-life is a bit too weird/creepy/disgusting for my tastes (only got through the first few levels), but I have to say- the staying power of HL amazes me.

What's going on with the exhaust plume of the port engine? The angle of the exhaust seems unnaturally off, unless there's some kind of strange thrust-vectoring effect going on here.

I went to school in Logan, just on the other side of the mountains from where the ATK test facility is for these rockets, and on test days you would see a huge plume of smoke and hear the test echoing through the mountains and valley. Awesome.

Fair point, thanks for the clarification! I'm not Catholic so I definitely didn't understand that!