
She’s big outside India as well given how many countries now have a large Indian heritage community. Netflix in the UK now is massively increasing its Bollywood content because of the demand here.

I mean whether this relationship is real or not, it’s absurd to think that Priyanka is the one who *needs* Nick to become more famous. She’s a big fucking deal in India. And when I mean big I mean BIIIG. I mean the goddamn Prime Minister of the country attended her reception. And you best believe he didn’t do because

KFC and cologne : (

What is wrong with him? Everything!

Hah! That was the worst move he’s ever made.’” She laughed at the memory.

Go for it. Voting with your money is arguably more effective than voting with a ballot these days.

Come on, man.

“What he should have done was walk over, pick Conor up and say some great things to one of other. Whatever you think of Conor, at least respect the guy.”

But wait we need to know what Ned in Clusterfuck, Nebraska thinks about this. We should also talk to Barney & Zeke in Dipshit, Iowa to get their opinion on how this NY coastal elite will contribute to them living off of NYC’s tax money. Already people are shitting on this as some kind of failure for Pelosi and

Anyone who has ever left a meeting with 45 has evidenced surety that it went according to their lights. Only to be radically disappointed, later.


Yep. Strange looked through over 14 million possible futures and there was only one possible path to victory: the one we saw unfold in the film. Strange knew Quill would fuck up the plan; in fact he was counting on it.

The thing of it is that Starlord’s actions are in character. This is the guy who got into a pissing contest with Rocket over who was the better pilot that ended up crashing their ship. He has demonstrated a very distinct lack of emotional maturity in the previous movies. Starlord isn’t a villain, he’s a flawed

I loved it. Had a blast the whole time. I thought it did a really good job of balancing funny with emotional. That last Stark/Parker scene HURT.

I had to stop reading about halfway through. This is why I don’t date anymore. Most men think this is what sex is. This isn’t sex. This is snuff.

I fucking love this man.

Probably because the director wanted to get a front shot of Rhonda after the fact, but the GIF cuts off before they pan up. It was a sloppy cut on WWE’s part. Should have waited until after he was fully down.

Nate Diaz somehow has a negative balance of f**ks to give. A+ quality troll.

Sorrell is accused of driving next to the couple for more than 20 blocks (seriously, that shit is frightening)

Let’s go to the video tape!