
I rolled through the career mode for about 30 fights until I got to Bones Jones. I had to re-start the fight a dozen times because he’d inevitably get me on the ground, and I wouldn’t be able to get up or change to an advantageous position. I was completely fucked every time. Eventually I won by “blocking” below the

“Thank fuck I’m wearing gloves”

They should create a version of this where you go online and challenge other fighters in a big open world setting.

White people confuse me.

Thank you Ian for reporting on this story and bringing it to a wider audience..

Not enough bad things can happen to this woman, not so much for her “rehoming” of a child like he was a puppy she found in a parking lot but for her mercenary use of and collection of children to begin with. She keeps squeezing out or adopting kids because she knows that babies and toddlers are where the “cute”

I’m submitting this piece for a Pulitzer.


Kelly has yet to comment publicly on the matter, but if she did, I would imagine it would be something along the lines of: “I’m not racist! I have black guns! Some of my best guns are black!

It means the mental capacity of the President of the United States, which was never that high to begin with, is diminishing daily due to a combination of age, stress, and very possibly dementia. And, that in spite of this fact which is on clear display for the world to see, approximately 40% of voters will support him

I can’t wait to be old enough and hammered enough in a bar at 2:30 in the afternoon that a punch to the head from a pro fighter doesn’t even phase me. A young, drunk buck would have tried to retaliate. This grizzled old man doesn’t even give McGregor the satisfaction of being preturbed.

Drunk Irish guy punches other drunk Irish guy. This is the kind of scoop I come to Deadspin for.

“despite the fact that Khalifa performed in but a handful of films, despite the fact that she says she was in the industry for “three or four” short months”

How could she have done [insert sensationalistic description of a single sex act] for so little money? In this viewpoint, women in porn—and only women in porn—are permanently surrendering something of themselves. From this perspective, any dollar amount is shameful. It’s why the Twitter discourse and the mainstream

Exhibit #1,921 for why I will never, ever live in Philly again.

Exhibit #7,432 for why I’ll never start.

No, that’s a bitch move.  

“Behind every great man in a fight, is his girlfriend squawking like a crow with laryngitis.”

Get the cups pixelated and it’ll be fine.

To note: just a highlight list of confirmed stuff so far. Also, they’re adding plenty more over the next year