Uncanny Valet

The True Lies bit really had me laughing.

Jee-Woon Kim, Joon-ho Bong, or Michelle MacLaren.

The Dick Dialogues never really caught on though…

I think Buffy would probably create the best shared experience.

Yeah that makes sense, and I think is a better way to handle it. Of course if Luke dies in The Force Awakens then I'll definitely expect a shimmering blue version of him to pop up in episodes eight or nine.

One random thing I'm curious about how they will handle - the "Force Ghosts". Will Luke be chatting with an Obi-Wan ghost, played by Ewan McGregor? That would be a great way to connect the new movie with the prequels, but keep it from feeling too self-referential. Hopefully Hayden Christensen doesn't show up as

2 Back 2 Shack

I loved it, it had a very John Wick feel to it, which is not a bad thing.

That does seem like the best option in this scenario. I can't think of a different way to handle it.

I'm not a parent, but I'm pretty sure you CAN feed Mystic River DVDs to a baby, you just really shouldn't. Or you should at least break them into small pieces first. The DVDs. Not the babies.

Especially with the pig-latin at the end.

Well, it's gotta be better than Babylon AD, right? RIGHT?

I really wish Bono would stop delivering Kia Fortes to my house…

That's how I remember it too. I remember a lot of games in the Playstation era that had horribly balanced difficulty and generally poorly thought out level design. I feel like games are a bit better about that sort of thing now, or maybe I just don't play as much anymore, and I tend to do a bit more research to see

That's how I remember it too. I remember a lot of games in the Playstation era that had horribly balanced difficulty and generally poorly thought out level design. I feel like games are a bit better about that sort of thing now, or maybe I just don't play as much anymore, and I tend to do a bit more research to see

I remember "Lawyers Guns and Money" playing at the end of (I think) Driver 2 on the original Playstation and my parents being more impressed with its inclusion than I was. I've since come to realize that Warren Zevon is amazing and Driver 2 was shit.

It should have been written and directed by Bobcat Goldthwaite.

No means no, Sam-I-Am.
