I hope Friday is the Guy Pearce movie Lockout, aka Space Jail: The Jail in Space!
I hope Friday is the Guy Pearce movie Lockout, aka Space Jail: The Jail in Space!
We thought my girlfriend had Monday off, but she's got to work, so I'll be home alone, and it looks like it's going to rain. I'll be playing Skyrim for several hours. I'm really digging the Stormcloack quest line right now, bopping around the land, taking over castles. I also picked up Lego Marvel Superheroes on…
When the first God of War came out I played through it several times. I loved it SO much. Granted it was a fun game, but there weren't exactly hidden depths to discover in repeated playthroughs, just more hidden orbs. One day I actually challenged myself to beat it in less than three hours, just to see if I could…
Oh cool - I was wondering how that went. If that class has been your only exposure to GIS and you want to delve a little deeper, ESRI has a MOOC coming up too: http://www.esri.com/landing….
Overall it's been great. Their course management software (Angel) is ok - it can be a little tricky to navigate, but it seems like the professors really try hard to be engaged with the students and they seem to revise the online lecture content regularly. As long as you've got some decent time managements skills and…
My girlfriend got a job at Allagash brewing, we now get a case of 12-oz bottles or 6 750ml bottles per week. We split a big bottle of Curieux the other night and it was fantastic, and this year's Fluxus is really good so I hope she gets some of that soon, and of course we're practically drowning in Allagash White.
I'm working on my masters in Geographic Information Systems at Penn State, but it's via their "world campus" (i.e., online), so I didn't have to move to Pennsylvania when I enrolled. I'm taking a class on geodatabase development and one for developing and submitting my capstone project proposal.
I've also been daydreaming about quitting my job lately, but they're paying for my grad school and after I finish I have to stay with them for 3 years or pay them back, which is about 18K, so I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. The shitty thing is I've seen a lot of jobs pop up lately that I've been interested in…
Blade Runner Runner
Funnily enough, I'm pretty sure this is one of the moments where the nudity actually IS important to the plot and character development.
I would always leave proximity mines at the spawn points…until I no longer had people to play with because my friends hated me.
It's quite…………complex.
Seriously, it is probably one of the most challenging levels to navigate.
I'm surprised they even found each other in that level so quickly.
I feel like Death Proof doesn't get the attention it deserves. The car chase is phenomenal, Kurt Russell is fantastic in it, and it's generally just all-around awesome.
I think I need a Tarantino-athon soon. I haven't watched Kill Bill in ages, and my girlfriend has never seen Inglorious Basterds so maybe I'll try to get her to watch it this weekend…
I really want a stand-up workstation at my job, but my boss isn't going for it. This summer I realized that I should start implementing that at home so I have been standing up while playing rather than slouching on the couch. I do think it's helped a bit, but I would definitely upgrade to a treadmill if I could fit…
Another associate and I have been working our asses off on a really shitty project - the field sample locations were recorded poorly, the surveyor hasn't upgraded his software since the 90's and couldn't give us anything actually useful, they changed the sample analysis method multiple times, etc - and we've had to…
Richard E Grant would be acceptable as Crawly as well.