
CFL isn’t too bad - “Our balls are bigger” as they say...

Ok, ok. We get it. You’re still into a thing that should’ve been over by the late 90's, you feel the FBI is out to get you & your leaders, and you’re probably sticky to the touch. But why did you have to schedule your rally the same weekend as the Juggalos?

Nobody thought it was strange that the titles of two of his collections were “Tous Les Yeux Sur Moi” and “Strictement Pour Mes Niggas” 

The President is a white supremacist. He can condemn, in the most explicit words, virtually everything else under the sun. The reason he didn’t condemn these Nazis is because he is one. If he wanted to, he would have. He just didn’t want to.


“Why were you fired from your last job?”

Thanks for the updates. Hey y’all, you may not agree with the same tactics, but anti-fa have shown the fuck up to nazis and let them know they’re not tolerated. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking anti-fa and KKK are the same. A diversity of tactics is needed and necessary. Violent resistance to the Klan and nazis

Whenver I see one of these white supremacists, I’m struck by how they disprove their own hypothesis. Only the dumbest mofos become convinced that they’re somehow superior to everybody else. Dunning and Kruger were underestimating their effect.

Unbelievable. She saw him backing up and still cut him off!

Of course he thinks it’s a dump, there are reminders of all his more competent predecessors everywhere, including paintings of them. Put some big guilded mirrors up and he’ll suddenly want to stay where he can see that handsome man with yuge hands out of the corner of his eye as he ignores briefings.

It’s because conservatives have been so effective in convincing Americans than public health care is for Communists.

A question from a Canadian. From most things I hear, even American’s who identify as Democrats, or left leaning in their politics are against public health care. Why? Is it taxes? Because I mean shit, if you’re paying like a grand a month in insurance premiums I can assure you your taxes wouldn’t be that high. It just

Calls for someone with a different opinion than you to be silenced...

Like some sort of ban?

Needless flexing of authority, wild overreaction to immigrant, old and miserable.

Failure to grovel to police while black. Punishment: Immediate extrajudicial assault to immediate extrajudicial execution.

surprised only that the officials didnt take advantage of Sessions new order and seize all the gardening equipment as it was clearly a larger criminal scheme.

First of all, most of these problems have more than one cause, and I’m kind of … annoyed with people who are exhibiting such simplistic thinking as to think each of these complex policy issues is a “one problem, one cause” kind of situation.