Dunning Kruger


Fly down your expectations; this crap is more reactionary than 300, the end is quite predictable:
- Wise old white men will prevail!
- A main female character (Dany or Sansa, probably both) will fail the final confrontation because "emotions",
- A non-white character will be the final enemy and will be defeated because

This episode seems taken from another show because it shows genuine heroism, hearthfelt romance, well timed action, magic and wonders…

You're straight up confirming what i don't Like in the characters of this show: they "are awesome" but they don't mean anything.
Plus, as a personal note, i think they are wiped out in a very arbitrary way, negating ever the tiniest bits of personality they show in the little screen time they get.
Robb is said to be a

The problem IMHO is that the show simply loves too much its setting, these continuing "Fictional Victorian Secrets Sightseeing Tours" drain away much of the suspence and drama.

I simply cannot delve into this show: every beat seems like an excuse to introduce and trow away disposable characters for the sake of audience's bloodlust. Eddard, Robb, Oberyn, Drogo, Theon, Robert (but also Joffrey and Viserys) seems to not have other meaning than hanging around for a while attracting audicences

Speculation for next season: Agents of EUREKA

I should be totally out of the demographics of this show but i enjoyed it so much that i put a comment on a forum… Maybe it's that strange mix of campy stories filled with light-hearthed, good natured themes (it's strangely refreshing in the contemporary TV). Last episode was one of the funniest rollercoaster since

Don't take me wrong but i think many of the comments about the "closeted gay" are wrong. In the show PDS works as a depitcion of minorities of all kind (drug abusers, immigrants, mental illness sufferer and obviously LBGT) and how communities, especially small ones, struggle to find a way do deal with them. Series

Speculations goes on the alien side (to better fit GoTG) bit i will take everything as long it doesn't includes forced "doomed Because we're different" romantics… Fox already twilighted spiderman, i hope Marvel would stay a little more classy.

Next Episode best case scenario: Garrett is killed by the agents spared by Ward; he realizes his weakness, go on rampage, fully embrace the Dark Side and he became the new baddy for the next season. (Creepy obsessed stalker super-spy on a path of revenge? It's Buffy level material here).
Worst case scenario: in the

Because glorification of rape is such a winner

Dont' worry, we're edgy as ever! So much that we're now stopping a story of redemption for a quick rape that would have no concerns, consequences and will be never nominated again.
We're also cutting a possible story of adventure for a rape, this time is multiple!
Worried because we're catching with the books? Don't